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EDEN AND QUINN HAD APPROACHED — the benches of the college grounds. Kids walking past the two girls making their own way to their classes, knowing Mindy this was bound to be humiliating. "Oh, look who FINALLY shows up!" Mindy exclaimed looking at the two girls who made their way towards the benches, Quinn sat on the opposite side of the benches further away from Ethan and Eden happened to sit next to Ethan.  "What took y'all so long anyways?" Mindy continued to question.

"Walking and talking." Eden stated truthfully, "about?" Mindy instigated, "how you—," Eden clenched her fist, "How you were going to put us all on the stand and more than likely try and accuse one of us for this. Which—," Eden sighed, unclenching her fist, "which isn't cool." Eden reminded, "But it's a possibility it IS one of you? How do you expect me NOT to accuse one of you? You guys just show up in New York and then—," Mindy started but Anika cut her off, "okay, wait. Reminder here, Y'ALL came to New York, not us. You guys moved here, that means someone followed you, how can that be any of us if none of even knew about the murders until y'all came around." Anika stated with confusion evident in her tone.

Though Eden appreciated Anika defending everyone INCLUDING herself, Quinn, Eden and Ethan DID know about the murders — considering they were related and all.  "Okay, you know what? we're going off topic! I'm gonna state it how it is, alright? This isn't a sequel to the requel or anything! We are in a, ya ready for it? We're in a franchise!! NOW, this is bad news, but also very cool in its own way. Now, due to the fact this is a franchise.." Mindy sighed, before looking at the group in front of her and clasping her hands together.

"This means, if the killers last year were nerdy, wannabe, film nerds with no dignity or self respect for themselves or anyone else, you can most definitely expect this killer to be the opposite! Everything is bound to be bigger, Bigger cast, bigger budget, longer chasings, shoot—outs, beheadings!" Mindy exclaimed, her brother did not seem as 'happy' about this new information being thrown at the group as he stopped writing and looked up at his twin. "Wait, wow. okay, Beheadings?" Chad questioning pointing the eraser point towards his twin, "beheadings." she restated pointing her pointer finger at her brother.

"We've got to be prepared, everyone is capable of being the next victim, especially Originals — it's not looking too good for Kirby and Gale, let's not let go of the fact that Sam and Tara killed the last Ghostface's — now, one of them being a high freak, pedo is there BUT! That also means, Sam and Tara, you two are definitely highly unsafe as well." Mindy states, Eden could easily identify the fact that Quinn and Ethan were NOT taking it politely with the way Mindy was talking about their brother.

From what Eden knew, it was a bit weird.. The girl was only in high-school and Richie their brother was dating Sam, who was in her twenties, he was a bit older than sam which brought him to his mid to late twenties, the least a twenty year old can truly do is wait till the latter of the relationship is at LEAST twenty minimum, well, maybe nineteen.

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