Leaving Little Garden

Start from the beginning

When Sakura poured her chakra into Zoro's wound he felt like a soothing breeze had poured into his injury and could feel it closing up and healing until the pain became nothing but a memory.

Luffy was looking on in awe, "Wow, I'm next! I wanna try!"

"This isn't a carnival ride Luffy!" exclaimed Nami.

Sakura rubbed her temples, 'These guys are more of a handful than my teammates,'

Usopp, Luffy, and Karoo had taken quite a bit of damage from Mr.5, but Sakura was able to heal all degrees of burns they suffered from the explosions. The boys looked on like they were watching a magic show when she fixed them up.

"Hey, Sakura what else can you heal? If I get stabbed-

"Don't even think about it!" Somehow she was already worried he might make a game and try to hurt himself deliberately just to see her heal him.

Dorry's words of gratitude were still ringing in Sakura's ears as she watched the two giants start hitting each other again. She sighed, feeling at her wits' end. These giants were like children, always bickering and fighting.

"Enough!" she yelled, smacking both giants on the head with her hand. Broggy and Dorry went down, face-planting onto the ground.

Luffy's eyes lit up with excitement. "Wow, Sakura's really strong!" he exclaimed, hopping around her like a rabbit. Sakura couldn't help but smile at the young pirate's enthusiasm.

But Zoro was looking at her with suspicion, and Sakura felt a pang of unease. She knew that he didn't trust her the way the others did, and she couldn't help but wonder if that was ever going to change. She had come from a different world, after all, and she wasn't sure how the crew would react if they found out the truth.

'Maybe he just doesn't like me,' Sakura thought, feeling a sense of disappointment. The crew's dynamics brought her a sense of belonging and peace from her disruptive thoughts, and she didn't want to lose that. But she knew that gaining Zoro's trust would be a challenge.

"Arm wrestle, Sakura, Sakura, Sakura!" Luffy begged, still hopping around her.

"No!" Sakura replied firmly. "Sit still, there's been enough excitement for one day."

"But I wanna see how strong you are," Luffy whined.

"You still want to see it after that?" Nami interjected. "And I thought your ability was healing?"

Sakura knew this was coming. She took a deep breath, trying to gather her thoughts. "It is," she said finally. "Well, actually, my strength is derived from that ability. It's hard to explain."

She didn't know how to go about explaining chakra to everyone in this world. She already trusted her friends here, but these were otherworldly secrets, and she wasn't sure what kind of reaction she might receive.

"So," Zoro stood in front of Sakura, he grabbed her arm and started pressing his fingers into them. "Where the hell does all that strength come from exactly? You look like a damn rag doll, and your arms feel soft as jelly,"

Well, that dispelled her disheartened feeling as she slugged the green-haired swordsman, stomping away with her cheeks puffed in anger.

"Who's a rag doll?"

The atmosphere calmed, but the situation was far from resolved. While they managed to win their battle against Borque Works and escape the agent's trap, they were still stuck on the island. The giants revealed that it would take a year for the Log pose to reset.

Surviving on the island full of dinosaurs wasn't as big an issue as the fact they would be too late to save Vivi's country if they chose to do that. On the other hand, they couldn't sail blindly through the Grand Line, because that would also likely spell death.

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