Epilogue || Best Friend

Start from the beginning

Me: Sorry man, she's busy.

BF: I know. Busy thinking about me.

Me: Not you she's thinking about right now.

BF: She dreaming about me then?

Me: I'm serious. Stay away from her.

BF: Physically impossible.

Me: Get lost. She's with me.

BF: That's great. I always wanted to kidnap her anyway.

Me: You clearly don't know her well.

BF: Lie. I'm her best friend. I know everything.


BF: Knew it was you. Tell my best friend I'll be there at five.

After Suz raged about his audacity, he actually kidnapped me for a week after that. Alas, I didn't have any hopes for this one either. I almost felt bad for her. Because I was pretty sure this prank wouldn't work either.

"People say third time's the charm," Suz said, grinning in anticipation. She sent Killian a text with the picture thanking him for the flowers and then we waited.

Five minutes passed.



Nothing happened.

"Don't you guys chat all the time?" she asked with a huff. "How long does it take for him to reply to a text?"

"Not long. But maybe they're still training? Angie's with them today."

I was supposed to be there today as well, but training at the gym just wasn't my thing, even if it was for self-defense. As soon as I had the basics down, I'd found one convenient excuse after another not to attend. Angie, however, was on fire. She soaked up all the lessons like a sponge, even if she couldn't execute most of them yet.

"They better be done soon," Suz said.

Half an hour later there was no reply.

She paced up and down, biting on her lip. Her restlessness started to rub off on me. Killian always replied right away. Maybe he'd forgotten to charge his phone? But after that one time, it never happened again.

The doorbell rang a few minutes later. I couldn't help the sigh of relief as Killian strode in, carrying Angie's brand-new pink backpack over his shoulder. Like everyone else, he wore a comfy hoodie and sweats but somehow, he made them look...hot. A surge of anticipation coursed through me, quickening my heartbeat, yet at the same time, I was enveloped with a sense of calm. All my doubts and worries just evaporated. He always had that effect on me.

Within two seconds he was in front of me, and I stood on my tiptoes to meet his lips. Kissing him never got old.

I nearly forgot we had an audience until Suz groaned loudly and proclaimed, "Give me a break."

With a low chuckle that sent a flutter through my stomach, Killian stepped back and dropped Angie's bag on the table. Then he walked into the kitchen, pulling out a knife, vegetables, and a cutting board, completely ignoring the flowers glaring at everyone from the counter.

Suz shot me a pointed look, her eyes sliding to the bouquet that was right there. I shrugged at her. Wouldn't it be more obvious if I grazed the topic?

"Tay got flowers?" Angie—bless her—squealed, reading the small card stuck in the bouquet.

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