CH 14 || Repaying Favors

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"So, what are you going to do about Killian?" Suzy asked and took a sip from her coffee.

A week had passed since the car incident as Suzy liked to call it. We chose a café close to university today, to try their oat lattes which, according to her, tasted even better than normal ones.

I pulled a face. "I have to do something. I don't like owing people, especially not him."

She smirked at me. "Because he's hot?"


Her brows raised and she tilted her chin.

"I mean, that's beside the point..." I shot her a glare when she laughed at me.

She shrugged and lifted her cup. "I don't really get what you have against him."

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe that he's a judgy asshole ninety percent of the time?" That was part of the reason at least. The other part was that I didn't like how he stumbled upon me when I was a mess. I tugged on my braid and frowned at the light brown liquid in front of me. If I had to run into him, couldn't I at least look cool for a change? Or at the minimum not make a complete fool out of myself?

"I think the term you're looking for is brutally honest," Suzy said in a knowing tone.

I huffed out a breath. "You're not helping. I thought the two of you are friends or something. Just tell me if he likes anything and I can be done with this."

"I don't really think Killian is someone who would appreciate you buying anything for him," Suzy said with another pointed look.

"What am I supposed to do then? Tutor him? It's not like he's the type to ask for help with anything either..." Wait. Maybe I could tutor him. I had no idea about his grades or even what classes he was taking but as long as they were at least logical and related to math...

"I have a few law classes with him. And I think he's been taking criminology courses this semester."

Never mind.

I picked at my cup. "Great. Maybe it's for the better. I wouldn't want to be stuck with him in close quarters anyways."

"But weren't you stuck together—"

My glare instantly silenced her, but it couldn't stop my ears from growing hot again. I must have been a sorry sight for even Killian to switch off his asshole settings. The memory alone was enough to make me cringe so hard that I wanted to disappear. I had to be done with this so I could nurture my wounded pride in peace. Hopefully, far away from him.

"I mean, you could have called me, of course, but since you forgot..."

"I told you, I'm sorry," I ground out. "I forgot. It's not like we've been hanging out for that long..."

"I know," she added in a teasing voice. "It's just so much fun to watch you squirm."

"I mean, I didn't expect..." I trailed off. "Maybe it's his presence. Ever since I met him I feel like I've been cursed or something."

"Or it's a sign. That—"

"Don't! Don't you dare get any weird ideas," I snapped when she opened her mouth again. "I want to pretend all of this never happened, okay? By the way...any news from Jessica and the others?"

"Subtle, real subtle."

My cheeks flushed, but thankfully she stopped prying.

"So, you mean aside from the fact that Jessica keeps calling you a crazy bitch in front of everyone and—" I kicked her leg. "Alright, alright, relax. Nothing new. She doesn't even know we are hanging out yet."

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