CH 59 || Love Language

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The painkillers began to lose their effectiveness as a dull throb started between my shoulder blades. I squirmed, trying to get more comfortable. Killian lifted me and pushed part of the blanket beneath me, cushioning my side. My head now rested on his biceps and I relaxed.

While he adjusted me in his arms, he continued to speak, enunciating each word in that soothing tone of his that made me want to melt into his touch. "Every time I gave you shit you surprised me by giving it right back. At some point, just arguing with you was the highlight of my day. And the fact that you don't ask for anything just makes me want to care for you more. You're the only person capable of driving me mad without any ulterior motives. And on that note, can you not pass out in front of me like that? You're trying to make me suffer, aren't you?"

"If you'd look less cute when you're worried, I'll think about it."

"Cute, huh? Only I'm allowed to call you cute."

He barely flinched when I pinched his side, muttering, "Same hypocrite as always."

Brushing some of my hair aside, he asked in the most patient tone, "Is there anything else you're worried about?"

"Um... My diet is like really strict now."

"That's fine. I can cook anything."

The way he sounded, so sure of himself, made me want to tease him.

"You know Suz's cousin cooked for us and he's really good at it," I said. "I don't know if you can compete."

"Uh-huh," he agreed, a cheeky smile lighting up his face.

"Why are you happy about that?" I asked.

"Oh, am I? I don't know. I think you saying that you love me messed with my brain."

Aha. As if.

"But don't you think it's kind of high maintenance?"

"Princess, you're as low maintenance as it gets."

"That's not true," I argued.

"Do you have any idea what some women make their boyfriends do? You're easy compared to that."

I squinted at him. "You sound like an expert. Had many girlfriends, huh?"

Now he grinned. "No. I just notice a lot."

"Maybe I'll change," I challenged. "If you really piss me off."

"Maybe, but I can always switch you off. You're putty in my hands."

"I'm not!"

"You're a sucker for physical contact."

I stiffened. "It's the opposite, actually. I don't like getting touched sometimes."

"Well, that's no surprise considering who you've been seeing before."

"No, I mean... I-I can't take it if somebody touches me sometimes. Like for days. Cause moving around hurts. And sweat burns because my skin gets so dry—"

"You mean you can't have sex," Killian said bluntly.

Well, this was awkward.

"I-I mean that as well, and just basically touching my face or any part is bad and it can take a while... And I know that can be an issue."

In every single relationship, it was always a problem.

He studied me with a warm gaze. "Princess... I don't mean it in a sexual way. There's a difference. Your love language is physical touch. That's how you recharge. But if you're not really comfortable and it's only about sex, of course, it'll have the opposite effect. It's no wonder you're so shut off when you constantly have to compromise your boundaries."

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