CH 8 || His Suffering Face is the Best

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I stared at the untouched bag of fries lying in my lap. So, Chris and Jessica... Since when? What if it started when he rejected her? That had been over a month ago. How did I miss—

"Tay!" Suzy's voice cut through my tangled thoughts.

"Wh-what?" I jerked, and some fries fell onto the floor.

"Where do I need to go?"

"Oh." Wait, weren't we just at McDonald's?

A huge park spread out towards my right. The thick shadows of the high trees were only occasionally disrupted by small lights, distributed among the paths. On the left, apartment complexes stacked next to each other like bricks inside a wall.

Why did I have to run into Killian of all people? Why him? Why not Cody? In my memories, his hazel eyes filled with pity—I squished the empty cup in my hand.

"So?" Suzy asked again.

"Yeah." I blinked. What did she ask again?

"Tay...are you alright? You've been kinda quiet."

I blinked. And then I blinked harder because suddenly my throat tightened, and my eyes grew hot. I swallowed and fixed my eyes outside the window. I would be fine. I had to be...

"Okay...wait didn't you live on Peterson Street?"

I nodded, still not trusting my voice.

"Is it guy drama?" Suzy asked gently.

I bit down on my quivering lip and shrugged.

"Alright, don't worry, I gotcha. I have just the thing for you." She patted my leg and turned up the music that was half rap, half pop, all sung in some foreign language I didn't recognize.

By the time we pulled up in front of my apartment, I could breathe a little easier. "Thanks for the ride. I really owe you. If you need anything just..."

"Nonsense," she interrupted me. "Since I am gonna call in that favor right now."

My hand froze over the seat belt. "W-what?"

"We will have so much fun this weekend!" She clapped her hands, bouncing up and down.

"Er... I think I want to be alo—"

"Nonsense," she interrupted me again and rummaged through the car. She procured a small backpack and held it up with a satisfied smile. "My emergency sleepover bag. Not exactly the kind of situation I'd intended to use it for but whatever."

I stared at her. "I mean, I think I need some time—"

"Moping around on your own won't solve anything. Trust me. I know exactly what you need."

I sat up straight and eyed her carefully. "You do know I like men, right?" Although I also sort of didn't right now.

She burst out laughing. But then she held up her finger. "You said you owe me, right?"

I grimaced but nodded.

"So, that means you're not going to back out, right?"

Another nod.

She rubbed her hands and smirked, looking like a mini demon. "Don't worry. Give it some time and I'll hook you up on something way better than boys."

"I don't do drugs."

She cackled. "You won't need any drugs after I'm done with you."

My mouth fell open. What had I gotten myself into?

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