CH 57 || One Job

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Taking two stairs at a time, I made my way up to mine and Sofia's apartment. One hour was easy? Had I really thought that? Hilarious.

I definitely hadn't taken my bad luck into account. And as it would have it, the nurse watching over Angie had gone home early, which meant I could either leave Angie in the apartment all by herself or break my promise and go pick her up now.

There was no choice really, not with all that stalker shit that had happened.

I'd sent Killian a text so that he knew where I was, but by the time I'd make it back, that hour would be long up.

I exhaled, trying to ignore the nervous energy coursing through my veins. Killian would understand. I knew he would. But damn... Couldn't things work out for me just this once?

He gave me one job. One! And somehow I managed to fuck it up even though I'd finally talked to him again. Killian was cutting his exam short for me, for God's sake.

Maybe I should've picked up Angie first, but then I would've missed Killian, and—I fought against the smile threatening to spread over my face. Okay, apparently, he was not fed up with me.

Damn, I missed him already.

Using my spare key, I entered the apartment. Angie was nowhere in sight. Grinning to myself, I slipped out of my shoes and bounced down the hallway. Pushing her door open, I rushed into her room, but the cheerful greeting immediately died on my tongue.

My blood froze at the sight in front of me. A giant of a man filled the small space, taller than even Killian with short black hair cut close to his scalp, and arms bigger than my thighs. He whipped around upon my arrival, his face a mix of shock and barely controlled anger.

Angie stood just behind him, clutching the stuffed turtle I had gifted her on Christmas against her chest. Her huge dark eyes set a stark contrast against her unusually pale skin. Silent tears streamed down her face, but not a single sound escaped her open mouth.

My heart thundered inside my chest. Despite never seeing a single picture, I just knew. There was only one option. Sofia had told me about Angie's dad.

Told me that he was free.

That she was afraid of him.

My thoughts raced as my gaze darted around the small room, taking in every small detail. I was still clutching my phone, but I had just missed the only chance I'd had—the element of surprise. Or did I?

What do I do?

Angie was closer to me, and his way was blocked by the small chair in front of her desk, but could I buy her enough time?


There was only one way.  

I threw my phone backward, hoping that it landed somewhere close to the bathroom, but there was no time to check. With a scream, I launched at him, catching him off guard.

"Angie, bathroom, now!"

My loud bark startled her out of her trance. Thankfully, she didn't hesitate, because I had no idea what I was doing, and it became apparent quickly that I had no idea how to fight.

The man recovered instantly, catching my wrist in a tight grip. The fight was over before it even started. He jerked my arm to the side, and I lost my balance, stumbling into Angie's desk.

Still, the plan worked.

The bathroom door clicked shut. I had bought her enough time.

He grasped the back of my shirt and then I flew through the air and crashed into Angie's bed, the mattress cushioning my fall.

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