CH 46 || Rules

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It took me a second to place that happy, satisfied feeling in my gut when I opened my eyes.

I'd done it.

With Killian.


And it was me who'd initiated it. Nestled against his warm, very naked chest, I basked in the feeling of being wrapped up in his arms, all safe and tucked away.

After a while, I carefully slipped out of his hold and sat up, the shirt he'd worn yesterday spilling down my frame.

As I swung my legs over the edge of the bed, a hand caught me around the waist, hauling me backward. His thigh wedged snugly between my legs and his heavy arms crossed at my front, locking me in place. All my muscles spontaneously decided to turn into mush. On second thought, maybe the bathroom could wait. At least until my limbs became functional again.

"Where do you think you're going?" Killian murmured into my hair.

I tried to sound stern. "I was just going to the bathroom."

He propped himself up and squinted hazel eyes appeared above me, searching my face.

"What?" I asked. "Do I need a bathroom slip?"

"You're not panicking," Killian remarked, regarding me with suspicion.

Now he was overreacting. "Why would I be panicking?" I asked.

His brows rose. "Isn't that what you do?"

"Very funny. Now let me go," I added, pushing my palm against his shoulder. He obliged and rolled over, pulling me on top of him—which I would totally complain about if he wasn't so damn comfortable.

"Why?" Killian asked as he began kneading my neck with slow, deliberate movements, working his way down my spine. "You tryna run?"

My eyes closed on their own and I snuggled closer until the pressure in my lower abdomen reminded me why I'd woken up in the first place. "Yeah, to the closest toilet. What's with the sudden paranoia?"

He sighed. "Nothing." His arms loosened slightly—probably his sign that I was free to go—but he kept drawing lazy circles over my back, so I didn't feel like moving. At all.

A few minutes passed. The rhythmic rise and fall of his chest were lulling me back to sleep when he spoke, breaking the comfortable silence. "Didn't you want to go to the toilet?"

"In a second..."

He chuckled huskily, his hands moving beneath my bare legs. Then, in one fluid motion, he lifted me, wrapping my legs around his waist, and carried me to the bathroom. It was only when he gently placed me on the toilet seat that I finally opened my eyes.

"You got this?" he asked, a cheeky smile spreading over his lips. "Or do you need help with the rest as well?"

I just blinked at him, still feeling sleepy and content.

His eyes traced my face before he groaned. He dropped into a crouch and then his lips were on mine, his warm fingers spreading on my thighs.

That woke me up.

I gripped his hair, marveling at the softness of it. Breathing hard, he drew back. A pleasant shudder ran down my back at the hungry look in his eyes. Anticipation tickled between my legs as memories from last night flashed through my mind.

Then, he stood abruptly, and strode out of the bathroom, cursing under his breath. I remained still, my head still swimming from the kiss. A few moments later, he returned with my bag and some clothes. He took one look at my dazed expression, spun around, and shut the door behind him, swearing under his breath.

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