The sleepover pt. 2

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>Charlie's POV

After the movie, everyone was asleep except for me.

I forgot how hard it was for me to sleep at other people's houses.

Now here was I, staring at the ceiling scared of closing my eyes, the back of my head telling me something bad was gonna happen.

I just stayed like that until my tiredness finally took over and I fell asleep.

>Evan's POV

Me and Erica were hanging out in my room, it was three am, but with an absent father and a careless brother, you can stay awake until morning and no one will care.

Of course, Max cares, but she's at a sleepover now, so no one to tell me to go to sleep.

"You know, it's late and I'm tired. Wanna go to sleep?"
Erica asked, yawning.

Ok, maybe I wasn't right this time.

"Ugh! Really? It's not even that late!"
I complained.

"Evan, it's three am!"
Erica shot back.

Alright, she had a point.

"Finee! You wanna sleep in my room or my sister's? Her bed is bigger and could fit both of us there, but here is more comfortable. But you'd have to sleep on the ground..."
I asked, accidentally rambling.

"Uh- if Max doesn't mind..."
Erica trailed off.

"She won't even know. Come on, just don't touch her things. Especially her sketch books."
I explained as I made my way to the other side of the hallway.

After that, we didn't talk, we just went to sleep.

The next morning

>El's POV

I woke up still on the couch, my arm protectively around my girlfriend.

I admired Max for a while, noticing all of her details.

Her freckles, her rosed cheeks and lips, her red hair...

"You two are cute, y'know."
Charlie said, not looking away from her phone.

"What the- how long have you been awake?"
I asked, as I hadn't noticed she was awake.

"Don't know, around eight? It's eleven a.m., y'all sleep a lot.."
She said.

"It's sunday! Of course we're sleeping a lot."
I responded.

"Man, if I slept that much I wouldn't be able to get up. You should try waking up a little earlier, y'know.."
She said, still not looking away from her phone.

"Are you gonna look at me while we're talking, or..?"
I trailed off.

She simply said.

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