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Main Group Chat

Charls: Guess what!!

Waffles: What??

Charls: I'm going to the same school as y'all now😨

DustyBuns: FR???

BikeWheels: Aren't u in 8th grade tho? And in Brazil?

Charls: Pretend bro, it's for the plot

HotWheels: That's nice!

GayBird: Make out at mine?

HotWheels: Yup.

Charls: Why tf u guys always make out?

DepressedLesbian: U're the author, u tell me

Charls: Oh, right-

DustyBuns: If you're gonna stay here, u need a cooler nickname!

Charls: Say less.

Charls changed their name to antisocial

Antisocial: Honestly, this suits me

DepressedLesbian: Relatable

WillTheWise: I'm excited to meet you!

Antisocial: Samee

Insomnia: Help Mike is chasing me w a foxy mask

Waffles: AGAIN?

Eds🎸: Fr, that's all he does

TheWalkingDead: Stfu cry baby

DepressedLesbian: U have no father figure

TheWalkingDead: U don't either

DepressedLesbian: *Cough* @HotWheels *Cough*

HotWheels: AWWW 🥺

GayBird: What abt me? :((

DepressedLesbian: Ur the mom

Momma: I feel betrayed.

Antisocial: Lmfao.

Momma: I'm adopting u.

Antisocial: WHY???

Momma: Bc I said so, u're my child now😁

Antisocial: ...k

HighByers: Guys, I may or may not have ACCIDENTALLY given Evan weed

DepressedLesbian: U DID WHAT?

Insomnia: gsuys& on fnei; dont witru?

Antisocial: Translation: Guys, I'm fine, don't worry.


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