What did she mean by that?

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>El's POV

I was in Jonathan's car with Dustin, Lucas and Will.

We got in the camp area half a hour earlier than the others, which made me ten times more excited to see Ma- uhm- I mean... the others.

When Micheal A.'s car finally got here, Nancy, Mike, Erica, Robin, Eddie and Steve were already here.

Charlie was the first one to get out, with her usual resting bitch face, which quickly turned into a smile when she saw Will - Who quickly became her best friend after they learned they liked the same things.

"Hey Will!"
She exclaimed, giving my step-brother a quick hug.

"Hi Charls! Do you wanna draw a bit? Steve made the tents already and you share one with me, Mike and Erica!"
Will said.

She said, grinning as Will lead her to their tent.

"Hi Erica!"
I heard Georgie say as he and Evan joined Erica.

The girl said, smiling.

The last ones to get out of the car were Micheal A. and Max.

When I saw the back of Max's head as she slowly got out of the vehicle, I quickly ran up to her, giving her a warm hug.

"I was so excited to see you! We share a tent just for the two of us!"
I exclaimed excitedly as I pulled away, around thirty seconds later.

"That's so cool!"
She said back.

She had one of her wide smiles, the ones that I loved to observe, I had so many pictures of her smile and I could admire them for hours, but nothing is comparable to her smile in person.

I would put this smile in a museum if it was possible, and I would stay there for hours just to observe her freckled cheeks and her smile.

Her eyes closed a bit when she smiled genuinely, which I found adorable. Her eyes are perfect, a light blue. Not ocen blue, it was blue like the sky in a clean day when there's no clouds around.

"El..? You're starting."
Max called, giggling.

"Oh, sorry."
I chuckled and started guiding her to our tent.

"Hey El!"
Someone called, startling me.

I quickly turned around, alarmed.

"Woah! Just me."
Charlie laughed.

"Why do you always appear behind people like that?"
Max asked, giving her a jokingly death glare.

"Sorry. Steve told me I have to say hi to people before "hiding in a dark place"."
She said, rolling her eyes.

"Right, you really should."
I said.

"Alright, bye now."
She said, waving while smiling.

When she was on her way back to her tent, she passed by my side and whispered something in my ear.

"Everyone noticed you simping for Max. Be careful, she can read people like an open book."
She said, walking away quickly.

What did she mean by that?


Hi there! How are you? I hope you're feeling good.

I'm sorry about my bad grammar. Most people already know, but I'm not native english speaker (+I don't double check my chapters).

Please correct me if you notice any grammar mistakes!

Thank you for reading<3

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