"I know you feel this is unfair... but our priority has to be with Chancellor Kane, if there is any hope for peace." Abby rebuttals, throwing me a quick glance.

"If you wanted peace, you shouldn't have killed the only Grounder who was gonna help us!"

Clarke said she escaped with Anya, who had been shot dead on arrival to camp.

"I'm sorry. The decision's been made."

"You're sorry?" Bellamy speaks up, uncrossing his arms. "Finn and Murphy are out there looking for your daughter with guns you gave us. And now she's home, you're just going to abandon them?"

"Abby," I pip up. "You know I want my dad back too. But I also can't leave my other friends to die. If we can't spare the guards, then let us go. We know the terrain more than any guard, and we have a map. We can do it ourselves."

"No, absolutely not." Abby was firm, standing tall.


"I just got you back!" She cries out, unspilled tears in her eyes as she looks to Clarke.

It's quiet for a moment or two, then Jackson, Abby's trainee, runs into the room.

"Abby. I'm sorry. We need you in Medical."

"You better go." Clarke says, tense.

Still looking at her daughter, Abby calls for Byrne. "Byrne? No one leaves this camp."

"Yes, ma'am."

Abby walks past us, pausing in front of Bellamy and I, as if she were sizing us up.

Clarke turns to face me, stepping closer and speaking low. "Still know how to shake guards?"

I nod.

"Good. We're gonna need guns."

I cross my arms. "I'll talk to Holland. Get him in contact with Raven, too. He'll supply us."

"I'll go with you." Bellamy says.

Clarke nods. "I'll find Raven and figure out the walls."


Bellamy trails by my side, a step slower than me as I attempt to locate James.

We come upon the guards tent—and much like the guard room on the Ark, this was most likely used for breaks and report.

I push aside the flap, not bothering to announce myself.

Inside the tent was a table, with four chairs around it. In those chairs were four guards—mostly boys Bellamy's age or older. I only recognized two of the four. James was one of them. They were playing a card game, the deck extremely faded and worn out.

All of their heads pop up at our entrance, eyes flickering from Bellamy to me.

"Kane!" One of the boys—Micheal—says. "Wanna play? It's poker."

I scrunch my eyebrows disapprovingly at the cards. "No thanks." My eyes float to James. "Holland. I need you. Outside."

Micheal wolf-whistles at this, raising his eyebrows suggestively. I shoot him—and the other snickering boys—a death stare.

James sighs as he looks between Bellamy and I. "Seriously?"

"It's important." Bellamy says. "Get up."

He sets his cards face-down before scooting his chair back and standing, walking past me and out the entrance to the tent. Bellamy pauses, waiting for me to go.

I suck my teeth, squinting at the remaining men. "You boys on break?"

They nod.

"Have you eaten?"

we all die anyways   x   bellamy blake/the 100Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang