3 / kalopsia

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she's mad
but she's magic
there's no lie
in her fire

imagine dragons


I never expected the world to be so quiet without the familiar machine hum I grew up with. I still had my eyes closed tightly, and I had let go of Josh's hand when the ship landed. I'm positive I had passed out for a few seconds. Shit happened. We impacted the ground hard due to the thrusters turning on late and I suspected that there was going to be a few injured crew-mates aboard.

I snap open my eyes to see the other teenagers stirring as well. Shock runs through my veins as I hurriedly undo the orange straps holding me in. I stand up to stretch my sore body, but a sharp pain runs throughout my leg, making me wince. I look down to see a small fragment of metal sticking out of my upper thigh. I bite my cheek, groaning slightly. I didn't want to, but I have to take it out. Walking with a piece of metal in my leg was dangerous and could possibly hurt me even more.

I grit my teeth and slowly pull it out. A trickle of dark red blood runs down my leg and makes my jeans sticky. I wince and shift the weight off of my injured leg. It wasn't deep, but I needed to stop the bleeding as soon as possible. I hear fabric rip and I glance over to see the dark haired boy rip apart some of his black shirt underneath the guard jacket as he stares at my thigh. He kneels on the ground in front of me, eyes nervously flickering behind me every few seconds.

"Here." He says as he starting wrapping the fabric around my wound. I freeze on contact and can feel my face start to flush. No boy, not even Wells had ever really touched me anywhere. He wanted to wait until we could apply for a family to have sex, and I always respected that. But now this random boy had his hands literally wrapped around my upper thigh. I clear my throat awkwardly as he glances up and meets my eye while tightening the fabric.

"The bleeding should stop. Can you walk fine?" His eyes keep darting behind me. I move my leg around a little bit.

"Yeah. It doesn't hurt that much." I say as he stands. I hadn't noticed before, but he was a lot taller that I was. At least six inches.

"Great. Let's go." He grabs my wrist and starts to drag me towards the front of the drop-ship.

"Wait. Hold on." I say as I start to turn. Josh was probably passed out, or to scared to move.  "Josh. Get up. You have got-" I stare in shock at the young boy.

A metal pipe is sticking out of his chest.

I swallow. Blood was spilling onto the floor. His blood. I quickly kneel in front of the young boy muttering under my breath.

"No.. no no no no no." I repeat as I try to stop the bleeding with my hands. Josh isn't responding. Instead, his eyes lay open. Blood spills out of his mouth. His nose. His ears. He was gone. Dead.

My hands shake.

I feel a pair of hands squeeze my shoulder blades, and I look up to find the dark haired boy looking at Josh sadly. He takes one of his hands off of my shoulder and brings it to the young boys face, pulling his eyelids down.

"I- I told him everything was gonna be okay. I
said-" I hold back tears. The boy rubs my shoulder with his thumb gently.

we all die anyways   x   bellamy blake/the 100Where stories live. Discover now