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Police and ambulance had come, Stephan and his helper had been taken away, while Lou's body was to be moved to the mortuary. Kira had protested at first, not willing to let it sink in that her father had died, but Claudia had comforted her as Lou was put into the vehicle.

Eventually, everyone went back to Lou's house, and they all sat down, processing the recent events. Until Kira spoke up.

"What are we gonna do now? I'm still a minor- I'll be put in the system!" She realised, but Vania spoke up.

"You won't, because me and Claudia will take you in," She told the teen, and Claudia nodded, grasping her sister's hand.

"Why can't I do it?" Morro asked.

"Because you're technically a criminal, plus you're not a suitable parent," Claudia said.

"How do you know what makes a suitable parent?" Morro shot back, and Claudia motioned to Lilly, who was sleeping on her chest.

"I don't know if you noticed, but I have a kid already," She spat, and Morro stayed quiet.

"Do you think Stephan will actually stay in prison?" Jay asked, and Claudia shrugged.

"I don't know anymore, I think I'll have to deal with him until one of us dies at this point," She sighed, and Vania placed a hand on her face.

"We'll have to deal with him. He involved me the second he hurt you," She told her. Claudia gave her a tired smile, leaning into the touch.

"Thanks, I don't know what I did to deserve you," She said, before looking at the rest of the group, "To deserve any of you."

"You deserve the world, C," Vania told her, before aligning their rings, "And I'm gonna give you it."

"Wait- when did this happen?" Nya asked, motioning to the rings.

"Are you guys engaged?" Vania turned to Claudia.

"You didn't tell them?"

"I was going to, then we had the mission, and it completely slipped from my mind!" She realised.

"She told me first," Kai boasted, and Pixal laughed.

"Actually, 'Audie informed me of the promise rings as soon as she came back from Shintaro."

"Guys, it's not a competition- and now's probably not the best time to announce this," Claudia interrupted. Morro glared.

"I didn't even know you had a partner, or a kid," He grumbled.

"Yeah, because I didn't intend on you rising from the dead, or finding out we're siblings," She responded.

"I don't really approve of you having a partner, especially since you've been hur-" Claudia stood up, infuriated.

"And I don't really approve of you trying to dictate my life, especially since you left it over a decade ago!" She hissed, "And you do not get to insult Vania like that- she's one of the best people in my life, and if you have a problem you can leave." She turned for the stairs.

"I'm going upstairs- don't follow me, Morro," A tear slipped out of her eye, and she carried Lilly towards the stairs. Then, she stopped, turning back to Morro, "And to think I still missed you."

She promptly disappeared, leaving Morro shocked and guilty.

"They... missed me?"

"Everyday since you left," Kira mumbled, "It killed her when you disappeared- she was crying almost every night. She always tried to hide it for my sake, but I heard her. Then Mama died- combined with the relationship with that man-, and she ran, just like you did."

"She left you?" Morro asked, and Kira shook her head.

"She wrote, all the time- anything she was doing, if she could send a letter to me, she would. She tried to stay connected- and that's what makes her different to you. Because I may not remember you when I was a child, but I sure as hell remember the pain you caused our family. And how C refused to be anything like you, and she succeeded."

Kira walked towards the stairs. "I'm gonna check on her. But... I do hope we can start over."


Kira walked across the landing, reaching Claudia's childhood bedroom.

Slowly opening the door, she glanced inside. Cole was sitting on the floor by his old bed, tears running down his face as he stared into space. Lilly was tucked into the bed, sleeping peacefully.

"You ok?" She asked him, and he looked at her.

"No, but... I think I will be eventually." She walked up to him, and he moved to give her some room.

"He's gone," She mumbled, and Cole wrapped an arm around her, pulling her closer.

"Yeah, he is..."

"We'll be okay, though, right?" She asked, looking up at him.

"I- yeah, we'll be okay." She nodded, resting her head against his shoulder. Hearing him softly humming, she closed her eyes, feeling her strength drain out of her.

Eventually, she drifted off, letting sleep take her. Soon after, Cole also fell asleep, the two slumped against each other.


Hi! Sorry for such a long wait on this chapter, school started again a couple weeks ago and I haven't had the motivation to update. Also, sorry it's a bit shorter than usual, but hope you enjoyed reading it just the same (or as much as you can with the tone of this). Until next chapter, byee!


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