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Jay's POV

The figure's hood had fallen off, exposing them to be a young girl? She wouldn't stop looking at Cole as she got up, realisation on both of their faces.

"No way!" She yelled, and Cole laughed as he ran towards her.

"Cole stop! What happened to 'no running straight into action'," Lloyd called after him.

"No, that was just for Kai," I joked, receiving a slap from Kai on the back of my head. It was worth it though.

Cole ignored us, still running up to the girl, who met him halfway. He grabbed under her arms, spinning her around as they both smiled and talked over each other. Ok, now I'm confused.

"Care to explain?" Nya asked as Cole set the girl down. She hung onto his arm, wrapping herself around it, smiling widely.

"Oh right," Cole muttered, turning to us. "Guys, this is my little sister, Kira Brookstone."

Ok, with both of them side by side, I guess you could see the similarities between them.

They both had the same raven black hair, hers was just coiled. Her brown eyes perfectly matched his right eye, down to the golden flecks when the light hit them just right. Both of them had a warm brown complexion, yet freckles were scattered across hers, while Cole barely had any. They both wore the same crooked smile that seemed to light up the area.

"What!?" Kai yelled next to me, and I jumped in shock for the second time in ten minutes.

No one's POV

"How come you didn't tell us you had a sister, Dangerbuff?" Kai asked.

"Yea, I thought we were done with you keeping secrets from everyone," Jay added, smiling.

"You do remember how many times Nya's been taken to be used as leverage against us all?" Cole explained. "I didn't tell anyone because I didn't want the same happening to Kira." Nya shrugged.

"He's got a point."

"I don't need protection, I've got these cool powers I can defend myself with," Kira protested.

"Respectfully, you don't know how to use them," Zane pointed out.

"Kira grumbled something in German, to which Cole responded.

"Sprache, Fräulein." Kira practically jumped out of her skin. "Did you forget Dad taught it to both of us?"

As Kira rolled her eyes, Lloyd started scrutinizing her. Once she noticed, he glared at her, and she glared back in response.

"So, how old are you?" Nya asked again, trying to calm the situation.

Not taking her eyes off Lloyd, Kira responded, "I'm 16, but why does that matter?"

"Well, I don't think a 16 year old should be running around with these powers," Lloyd shot out. Cole facepalmed.

"Lloyd, you're 16." Lloyd looked up at Cole, breaking the stare-off with Kira.

"Yes, but I'm trained. Unlike someone." Kira huffed at the statement.

"Kai and Jay were literally 16 when they were recruited. Nya was 14 when I met her!"

"That's not the point, whose side are you on Cole?"

"The side that uses logic in their arguments. So, Nya, Pixal and Zane's, I guess," He answered.

"First of all, rude," Kai butted in, "But yea, what is this about, Lloyd?"

"She could be an undercover villain, why else would she put all these vines here?!" Lloyd gestured around them. Cole pinched his nose bridge, muttering under his breath.

"Because I don't know what I'm doing?" Kira offered, making Jay snort.

"Don't laugh Jay, she punched you in the nose with a vine, remember?" Kira laughed sheepishly, shooting Jay and Kai an apologetic look.

"Speaking about the vines, we can't just leave them here," Zane added, turning to Kira. "Are you sure you don't know how to control them?" She shook her head.

"I can do minor things, like when I sent a vine out to grab Cole when he fell off that bridge." Cole looked away, crossing his arms with a shameful look on his face. "But this has never happened before, they just sprouted out."

"Why were you running around in a dark cloak then? And saying you meant to do all this?" Lloyd argued back, gentler than before.

"I thought there was danger, and the vines were just protecting me. They do that, which is why this one-" She gestured to Kai- "Got hit when he stepped up to fight me."

"Huh, guess that makes sense," Nya spoke to herself. "Cole, you got that vine to let go of you before, why don't you try to send these away?" The Elemental nodded, crouching to touch the ground and closing his eyes.

He breathed steadily, trying to reach out to the plants with his mind, and after a short wait, he heard Kira gasp slightly, and opened his eyes. The vines were slowly retreating into the ground, leaving holes in the dirt where they had sprouted from.

He stood up, watching with shining eyes. An excited smile split through his face. Kira squealed sharply, before jumping at Cole, much to Lloyd's displeasure.

"I'm not the only one! Yes!" She grabbed his arm, pulling gently on it again. Cole smirked at her, waiting for her to calm down. The group watched with a fuzzy feeling in their chests. Well, except Lloyd, who was still suspicious.

Once she was finished, Kira was invited to the Elemental Monastery to meet Wu, to which she jumped at the chance to hang out with Cole.

"Great!" Cole grabbed her arm. "Oh, what's your opinion on motorbikes?"

"Oh hell yeah, this day just keeps getting better!" He handed her a spare helmet as everyone climbed into their vehicles, and they rode off.


Cole's POV

Once we had gotten home and introduced Kira to everyone, I pulled her into the kitchen.

"You know, this would be perfect if Momo were here, right?" She looked confused, then realisation struck her.

"Oh yeah! Man, I forgot about that nickname we gave him. I still can't believe he ran away for something so selfish. And getting himself killed? I'm kinda glad I barely knew him; I can't imagine how you felt when he came back as a ghost."

"Well, he's gone now. There's nothing we can do about it, but I would appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone about our big brother, ok?"

"Yep, can I see the training equipment now?" She gave me an eager look, and I chuckled.

"Come on, let's go." I could've sworn I saw a shadow by the door move as I opened them, but I ignored it in favour of showing Kira the training area.

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