A real family

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Spoiler warning: this chapter contains spoilers from A new Boy in Berk: Riders of Berk chapters 23 and 24

A/n: Hi, I'm back with the final chapter of Riders of Berk for this story. Of course, I will continue with Defenders of Berk, see you on the next chapter

Even though I like my actual life, there are times where I wish I could return to my old life looking for an island for me and Toothless

For example: one day a tribe known as "The Berserkers" arrived to Berk. Apparently, they came to sign a peace treaty, their chief was supposed to be a man named "Oswald the Agreeable"

But the surprise came with his son "Dagur the Deranged" came instead of his father, so our riders hid us from the Berserkers because they are still killing dragons and now even more with Dagur as their chief

To make things worse, Barf and Belch were on the loose and their riders didn't want to collaborate, so Barf and Belch got captured and they were going to be executed by Dagur. The nickname of "the deranged" is totally accurate for him

Luckily, we we're able to send them away by faking a dragon attack with our riders, but I still don't trust the Berserkers, specially because their crest it's a Skrill

I couldn't help but to imagine what could've happened if I get captured by them, the only good thing in all of this was that along with our riders we learned hand gesture commands just in case they can't talk

There was also another time where thanks to Snotlout's... uh... foolishness, him, Hiccup, Blake and Toothless crashed at Outcasts Island

I don't think I need to explain how worried the others were when only me and Hookfang returned to Berk, I tried to stay calm while we looked for them but, in the inside, I was worried sick

Fortunately, they returned safe and sound and Blake finally got a good sleep without any nightmares

I was so relived because of that, I feared that Blake might have even more nightmares, especially because he had a panic attack, but it was all fine

The last two days where I wished I could return to my old life weren't so bad, but they were still annoying

The first day Trader Johann didn't arrive when he was supposed to, so we looked for him, but when we found him, he said that he had something for Hiccup

Things could've ended there but turns out that whatever it was, it was from Hiccup's mother, so he wanted to get it back

We ended somewhere called "Breakneck Bog" trying to look for it, it was hard specially because we had to fight against some dragons that like to build nests with metal, but we managed to get the package

I was really annoyed when I discovered that it was a stuffed dragon toy, I couldn't believe we risk our lives just to get that back, but I couldn't be mad at Hiccup for dragging us into that

Now he has something to remember his mother, I wish I could have something from my mother to remember her

Finally, one day Fishlegs and Meatlug found a stone that glowed and changed its colors

Gobber analyzed the stone and said that it was a "Stone of Good Fortune" the problem came when we realized that it wasn't a stone, it was an egg, a Changewing egg to be more specific

One thing that every dragon knows especially us the males is: don't mess with a mother and her eggs or hatchlings, normally they only let us near the eggs if we're the father, but this was not the case

We quickly returned the egg to its nest but Snotlout followed us and stole a bunch of them to sell them still thinking that they were Stones of Good Fortune

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