Thunder takes a bath

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It's a peaceful day on Berk... maybe too peaceful, I can tell that something here is wrong but I can't find out what it is, maybe a flight will clear my mind but I must go for Blake first

It didn't take me long to find him, he was at the forge with Gobber, for some reason taking out a wooden tub

"Thanks, dad. This should work" Blake said looking at the tub

"No problem, just bring it back once you're done" Gobber said before walking inside of the forge

"Blake" I said as I nudged him

"Huh, oh. Thunder, you're here" Blake said turning around to look at me "Of course I'm here, where else should I be?" I asked before gesturing at the sky with my head

"You want to go for a flight?" Blake asked and I only nodded as an answer "Okay then, but let's just go to Hiccup's house first"

Blake got on my back and we flew to Hiccup's house, when we arrived Blake knocked on the door twice and seconds later Hiccup and Toothless came out

"Blake, what brings you here?" Hiccup asked

"Hi, Hiccup. I need your help with something" Blake said before whispering something to Hiccup

"Alright, we'll see you there" Hiccup said as he walked away with Toothless leaving me confused

"Okay Thunder, now we can go on a flight" Blake said

He got on my back and I flew off, however I'm still confused about what happened earlier, why would Blake need to whisper something to Hiccup when only he, Blake, Toothless and me are there?

I guess I'll think about it later, right now I'm just going to enjoy the flight

Minutes later we were about to end our flight but instead of landing at the village we landed at the entrance of the academy where Hiccup and Toothless seemed to be waiting for us

"Hiccup, is everything ready?" Blake asked as we landed

"Yeah, I just hope that he doesn't run away" Hiccup said

"Toothless, what is going on?" I asked confused

"I think it's better if you find out by yourself" Toothless said as he entered the academy following Hiccup and Blake so I decided to follow them as well

Once I was inside of the academy, I saw the same tub that Blake and Gobber took out of the forge but this time it was full of water

"Okay, Thunder. It's time for your bath" Blake said, wait a second... A BATH?!

"Oh no, no, no, no, that won't happen" I said giving a few steps backwards

"Thunder, please don't make this harder than it already is" Blake said walking towards me but before he could do anything else I ran off

"Toothless, get him!" Hiccup ordered

"You're not getting away, Thunder" Toothless said blocking my only way out

"I'm sorry, Toothless" I apologized before charging towards him and pushing him out of the way giving me the opportunity to flew away to the village

I was able to land back at the village but I need to find a place to hide, I don't want to take a bath! I hate water!

"Oh, I know what to do, maybe Stormfly will help me to hide" I said before running towards Astrid's house, once I arrived, I found Stormfly eating some fish

A new Boy in Berk: A day in Thunder's lifeKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat