When the others looked up, they were met with a horrendous scene. The wall in front of them was covered in blood, written in grotesque letters: "The Chamber of Secrets has been opened, enemies of the heir... beware."

Hermione read aloud, her voice trembling, echoing down the corridor.
"That's blood," Cassi said, stepping closer to examine it more closely. Her expression transformed into a mix of horror and anguish as she pointed at Mrs. Norris, Filch's cat, hanging upside down.

Soon, a crowd gathered, observing the scene in shock and horror. Fear and uncertainty hung in the air as everyone wondered what could be happening at Hogwarts and who could be responsible for such violence.

"Enemies of the heir, beware," Draco read aloud, and Cassiopeia felt some glances turning towards her, making her uncomfortable.

"You'll be next, Mudblood," Draco venomously said to Hermione.

"Draco!" Cassi firmly pulled on his ear. "What did I tell you?!" she asked, upset by his behavior.

"What's going on here? Get out of my way, get out of my way," Filch hurriedly pleaded, trying to make his way through the crowd.
"Gaunt? What are you..." He began to reprimand Cassiopeia, but then his eyes fixed on his beloved hanging cat.
Filch's eyes filled with tears, and his voice came out broken. "Is that Mrs. Norris?"

"You killed my cat?" Filch asked with anger, addressing Potter, who was closest to the animal.

"No, no," Harry desperately shook his head, vehemently denying the accusation.
"I'll kill you," Filch said, a maniacal smile plastered on his face. "I'LL KILL YOU!" he shouted, grabbing onto Harry's clothes.
"Argus!" Dumbledore interrupted, calling him by name. As soon as he read what was written on the wall, Dumbledore raised his voice.
"Everyone will immediately go to their dormitory. Everyone, except you four. Follow me," demanded Dumbledore as the group moved away, obeying his orders.

"She's not dead, Mr. Argus, she has been petrified," Dumbledore said to calm the man.
"Why was she petrified, I cannot say."

"Ask him, he must have done it, look at what he wrote on the wall," Filch accused Potter again.

"It's not true, sir, I swear. I never touched Mrs. Norris," Harry defended himself.

"Rubbish," the man dismissed.

"If I might, Headmaster? Perhaps Potter and his friends were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time," Severus interjected.
"However, the circumstances are suspicious. I, for one, don't recall seeing Potter at dinner."
"I am afraid that's my doing, Severus. You see, Harry's helping answer my fan mail," Lockhart said.

"That's why Ron and I were looking for him, professor. We just found him and Cassi when they said," Hermione interrupted.

"Yes, Mrs. Granger?"

"When I said I wasn't hungry," Harry said.
"That doesn't explain what you were doing in the corridors, Mrs. Gaunt." Everyone stared at Cassi intently.

"I was looking for Hermione. I wanted to apologize for an earlier incident," Cassi said, embarrassed, leaving out the part where she had been yelling at Draco for being rude to Hermione for minutes.

"Innocent until proven guilty, Severus," Dumbledore said.

"My cat has been petrified. I want to see some punishment," Filch said, agitated.

"We will be able to cure her, Argus," Dumbledore reassured him. "As I understand, Madam Sprout has very healthy and grown Mandrakes with which the potion will be made. We will revive Mrs. Norris."

Meanwhile, I strongly recommend caution to all,"  said Dumbledore

Cassiopeia , felt that something was Desperately wrong.

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