"Aww, you are kinda smart, Vivi" He laughed as he ruffled her brown curly hair,

"Say hello to Xanthe" Naveen yelled as Nevaeh finally put the watch on,

Nevaeh watched in awe as a holographic face shield appeared just in front of her face,

"Hi, I'm Xanthe, your dimensional guide, what's your name?" A feminine voice asked,

"Nevaeh, Nevaeh Rivera" Nevaeh answered,

"Permission to perform a biometrical scan?" Xanthe asked,

"Sure" Nevaeh shrugged,

"100% complete, primary user, Nevaeh Rivera" Xanthe stated,

"Now, I'm matched to assist you in your dimensional travels" it added as a human image was displayed on the screen, monitoring her essentials such as heart rate, blood pressure and the likes,

"What dimension am I on?" Nevaeh asked,

"Earth-616, scanning, no threats around, you're safe" Xanthe answered,

"Where exactly am I in Earth-616?" Nevaeh asked,

"Brooklyn in New York" Xanthe answered,

"So what other things can you do Xanthe?" Nevaeh asked,

"I can provide defense and weaponry for attacks, also, I can predict the weather and I have access to satellites too" Xanthe answered,

"In every dimension?" Nevaeh asked,

"Yes" Xanthe replied,

"Xanthe?" Nevaeh called,

"Yes Nevaeh?" Xanthe answered,

"Turn off" Nevaeh answered,

"Turning off" Xanthe said before the hologram disappeared,

Naveen also turned off his device,

"Wow, does it actually work in other dimensions?" Nevaeh asked as she admired the watch on her wrist,

"I really don't know but there's a ninety five percent probability that it does" Naveen answered as he walked towards the portal,

"We've built a portal right? Let's try it" Nevaeh suggested,

"It's not this kind of portal" Naveen answered as he worked on their invention,

"I don't understand" Nevaeh sighed as she checked the other devices linked to the big one in the center of the room,

"The portal we created is for teleportation in our own dimension, it's for intra-dimensional travels, it can't take us out of Earth-616" Naveen explained,

"Oh" Nevaeh murmured as she adjusted the connection of a few wires here and there,

"Is everything ready on your end?" Naveen yelled,

"Yup" Nevaeh answered as she gave him a thumbs up,

"Set the new coordinates" Naveen yelled,

Nevaeh picked up her tablet and pressed in some new codes,

"Done" she yelled before briskly making her way to the controlling system,

"Are you ready?" Naveen asked, hand hovering over the green button,

"I'm ready when you're ready" Nevaeh answered as her hand gripped the lever, ready to push it down at any instant,

Naveen pressed down the button but it didn't do anything,

His eyebrows furrowed as he tried to think, he walked to the circular opening in the invention, trying to examining it,


It was too sudden,

Naveen was flung to the back of the room,

His back colliding with the hard cold wall,

"NAVEEN" Nevaeh yelled,

The powerful current of wind coming from the artificial portal messed around with her hair, tossing it into her face as she struggled with the lever and trying to keep her feet in the floor,

Finally, she was able to drag the lever to the middle portion but the portal started sucking things into it,

A lot of their research material went into the portal and Naveen's body was going too,

He was still very unconscious,

"NAVEEN" Nevaeh yelled as she tried to wake him up still clutching on tight to the lever which was the reason she wasn't sucked in yet,

Luckily, as fate would have it, she was able to grab his arm right before he flew in,

"Nooo, my comic book" She yelled as the new limited edition of the spiderman comic she was reading earlier was sucked into it just as she shut the machine off.

NEVAEH || SPIDERMAN: ATSVحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن