Not Taking Advantage of the Situation

Start from the beginning

He gazed down on the valley, and his grip on Piper's hand went slack. "Your mother never told me." "She thought it was for the best." It sounded lame, even to Piper, and no amount of charmspeak could change that.

But she didn't tell her dad what Aphrodite had really worried about: If he has to spend the rest of his life with those memories, knowing that gods and spirits walk the earth, it will shatter him. Piper felt inside the pocket of her jacket.

The vial was still there, warm to her touch. But how could she erase his memories? Her dad finally knew who she was. He was proud of her, and for once she was his hero, not the other way around. He would never send her away now.

They shared a secret. How could she go back to the way things were? She held his hand, speaking to him about small things—her time at the Wilderness School, her cabin at Camp Half-Blood.

She told him how Coach Hedge ate carnations and got knocked on his butt on Mount Diablo, how Leo had tamed a dragon, and how Jason had made wolves back down by talking in Latin. Her friends smiled reluctantly as she recounted their adventures.

(Y/N)'s POV

Everything after he had been struck by that lightning bolt seemed to blend together, like he was fast forwarding through a movie, not really paying attention, he still couldn't believe it, the secret the pain and the circumstance had revealed.

He looked down at his SPQR brand, of course he wouldn't have remembered what happened to him back then, of course he could never explain why the master bolt hadn't killed him in that throne room all those years ago.

When it happened, the first time, he was too angry to care, and now, all these years later, it was finally clear to him. Years of experience, years of understanding, as well as recent events had made him think clearly about that day for the first time in a long time.

He remembered that one second, as the power surged in the sky, and he felt the blade in his hands begin to tingle as the ozone hit his nose, that was the sensation that kick started his memory.

The exact same as it was when he was a little kid, trying to assassinate the king of the gods. He finally knew why the strongest weapon ever invented, had failed to kill a little boy with dreams of getting his mother back.

It was a secret he didn't know he had, one that the Olympians have tried to hide since before they were even enemies. If Circe was really trying to do what he thought she was, she might put them in bigger danger then the giants could.

All her actions up until now made sense, why she had left him alone with the hunters even, she was trying to kill him, but not for the sake of it, not for revenge entirely at least, she was trying to use his power against him.

She wanted to understand it, control it, and she thought (Y/N) could do that, she was provoking him, trying to anger him, so he would lose control, and then she would understand how to release it.

If she managed to find it among the sea of voices in her head, or gods forbid control it, this quest wouldn't matter, because Hera was as good as dead. A few minutes after he realized he had been wrapping his hand for a good ten minutes, making it look like a huge Q-tip. Jason nudged him.

"What happened to the witch." He asked in a whisper, as Leo snorted and helped him unwrap his hand so he could hear too. (Y/N) shrugged, "Well, to paraphrase a song that I relate to a lot. She got hit like I got hit but she ain't freakin breathing.'"

He censored himself for the sake of their young delicate ears. They both looked at him, and Leo muttered, "You're old." "I'm only a few years older than you, and it's a good song!" Jason got them back on track.

Heroes of Olympus Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now