"As you wish," Prince Alain stated.

"And what of Teal?" she asked.

"He is still asleep too."

Princess Estina frowned. Who could last that long without eating or getting water into their body? Her thoughts dove into another direction and uncertainty washed over her.

"Are they all angry at me?" she asked, keeping her eyes on her mug.

"Angry?!" Prince Alain asked. "Who would be angry at you?"

"Everyone!" she said, looking back up at him. "I jumped off the bridge leaving the fight."

Prince Alain chuckled. "Far from it, Estina. Town folk have already created ballads of how you took on Prince Yernal and fought his soldiers. The warrior princess on the bridge all by herself fighting for a better kingdom. They love you."

Princess Estina couldn't speak. The way Prince Alain had said it made it sound far grander that what it had really been.

"They don't care that you jumped off the bridge," Prince Alain continued. "In fact, they think you're even braver for jumping in the first place, and smart. Who's going to take on six grown men by themselves?"

She took another sip of the water, letting the news sink in. Her head lifted sharply.

"What of Ladet?" she asked. "Did he fare well too?"

Prince Alain smiled widely, but she ignored it.

"Yes," he said softly. "Ladet fared well, better than most of the men out there." He paused. "He spent a good deal of time searching for you after the fighting stopped. He was very worried. We all were."

Prince Alain turned and spoke towards the door. It was only then that Princess Estina noticed the maid standing in the corner. "Please arrange some food for my sister." He turned back to her. "You must be famished. Let's get some food into you and if you're feeling up to it, we'll get you up onto your feet later today. I'll be back soon. I'll go let Menelt know that you are awake. He'll want to know."

Princess Estina nodded and watched her brother leave. "Thank you," she said. "Thank you for watching over me."

He smiled warmly. "You would have done the same for me."


A fire crackled softly in the corner of the stone room. It was dusk, and Princess Estina had pulled over the curtains to keep in the heat. For once, she would allow herself this luxury. Princess Estina ran her hand through her hair and revelled in how easily her fingers ran through to its tips. She brought a handful around to her nose and breathed in deeply. It had been such a long time since her hair had received such care and treatment. While she had frequently bathed over the years when she could, years had passed since it held the fragrance of flowers.

She gazed down at her naked body and marvelled at the swirl of bruises that covered her skin. Her leg had been stitched and bandaged as well as the gash on her arm. The cut on her cheek had closed by itself, but it stung and itched as it continued to heal.

Lord Clep's maids assisted her to get dressed. She would have struggled by herself with the way her ribs ached. After pulling on her trousers and thick under clothes, she covered herself with a deep wine-red jacket that was embroidered up to the neck. The maid behind her, gently lowered a thick fur coat over her shoulders.

Taking a deep breath, she walked slowly towards the door to her room, sparing her full weight on her injured leg. She had been informed Jale had awoken upon being moved to his new room. Nothing would be able to stop her from speaking with him now.

The Purple Jade Palace: Prince Yernal's Plan (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now