˗ˏˋ chap. 10 ☆ rules are rules ˎˊ˗

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The two other teens looked at eachother. Miya was shocked, not because of the S part, but that someone knew him FROM S. Someone who didn't just know him as the 'teen prodigy skater'. He looked away from Y/N's confused face and looked at the other student sitting with them. Well Y/N was not shocked, just confused. They didn't know about all the rules, just that Miya was somewhat shocked.

"How do you know what S is??" He asked, yet whispered the last part. He sat there raising one of his eyebrow. Even though there are like hundreds or thousands of skaters that go to S, everyday, he was still curious. It was kind of funny to bump into someone who goes to S, outside of S. Especially the 'no skater is allowed to talk about S outside of S' rule, that the creators made.

"I got invited by a friend like a year ago, and I saw you skating around the other day."

"What other day? I barely go to S" he said

"Sunday, I think"

"Ohhh, yeah, we were both there" Both as in Miya and Y/N.

"Yeah I think I saw y'all skating, well there were a bunch of girls yelling that you were here. Then I saw you guys." The student pointed at Miya.

"Ohhhhh cool, nice to meet a fellow skater." Miya laughs.

"What's your name?" Y/N asked the person.

"Zaida, or Z, I'm a 7th grader and I'm assuming you guys are 6th."

"Yeah, it took us a while to find the nurse's office" Y/N laughed.

"I can give you guys my number so we can meet at you know" She said to Y/N and MIya, they said "you know" because of the main S rule. No S member can talk about S outside of S. She opens her phone to add their numbers

"Yeah, mine is ###########" Y/N says first.

"Mhm, and you?" She asked innocently while typing in Y/N's number.

"Well I don't really add people's numbers, but I'll give you my S account and add/friend you there" Miya said while opening the S app. There was no one in the nurse's office to hear about S but he did whisper the S part. It's like Miya thinks one of the creators of S is going to pop up and ban him or something. Yet, he is 'one of the top 5 skaters at S' among the others like Joe and Cherry.

"That's understandable, my account name is skater_zaiii, all lowercase. Don't judge I made it in 6th grade"

"Don't worry i wont judge, but he might" Y/N jokes while they add Zaida to their S friends.

"Sureee, anyways. I have a personal or secret account on S for friends or people I know in real life." Miya shrugs off the joke.

"Could've figured, you are super famous there, like top 5 at S." She accepted his friend request.

"HUH?! TOP 5?? MIYA WHY HAVEN'T YOU TOLD ME THIS??" Y/N turns to the boy.

"Doesn't really matter," he shrugged, brushing off the Y/N question.

"Well of course it matters, I didn't know I was hanging out with skater royalty?!" They exclaimed. Y/N now understood why the girls on Sunday were shouting and pointing. Miya replied with a simple shrug.

The door opened and a student walked out. The kid, most likely in year 8, in the nurse's office walks out while having a big bruise on his lip and eye. Must have gotten into a fight. He had to get it checked out and had to get the blood cleaned off. The nurse then saw the three students and asked them why they needed to be in the nurse's office.

"I have a re-opened skating wound"

"I fell during gym class and hurt my ankle"

"I brought them here, because they were limping," Miya said.

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