*Disturbing Developments*

Depuis le début

"Might I suggest that senator Amidala be placed...under the protection of your graces?" Palpatine suggested.

Padme was against this.

"Chancellor I do not believe-"

"The situation is that serious? Oh but I do senator. I realize that the presence of a Jedi might be a bit disruptive for you, but perhaps, a Jedi you're familiar with. An old friend, like, master Kenobi?" Palpatine interjected sternly.

Mace nodded to that.

"That's possible. He and master Unduli just returned from a border dispute on Ansion."

Palpatine nodded.

"Senator. Off the record as a friend, I am worried for you. Please, accept the aid offered by the Jedi."

Padme sighed, resigned.

"Very well."

Mace looked back to her.

"I will dispatch Obi-Wan alongside another Jedi as your protective detail."

Padme bowed respectfully.

"Thank you master Windu."


Later that night, Obi-Wan was stationed outside the senator's bedroom in her apartment, alongside Plo Koon's current Padawan Zeerel.

Obi-Wan was unsure how to feel about all of it, but, Padme had proved to be different from other politicians.

He had not expected someone to try, and fail, using toxic worms to try and kill her while she slept, nor did he expect he and Jvayn would end up chasing that person, a changeling female, down in a speeder.

Eventually she exited and fled into a nightclub and they pretty much just waited for her to come out.

This was just one of those nights.

At the bar they waited, one man coming up to them once.

"Do you wanna buy some death sticks?"

Obi-Wan waved a hand as he shook his head.

"You don't want to sell us death sticks."

"Nah, I don't wanna sell you death sticks."

"You want to go home and rethink your life." Obi-Wan continued.

"I want to go home and rethink my life." The man left.

Jvayn laughed silently.

"Really master Kenobi?"

Obi-Wan shrugged, stroking his beard.

"I find some individuals require an...alternative method, of persuasion."

Not long after that, the woman revealed herself.

Obi-Wan sliced off one of her hands before she could fire upon them.

The other customers looked for a moment, but looked away, knowing it was Jedi business, as the two Jedi exited with her.

"Do you know who it was you were trying to kill?" Obi-Wan began to interrogate, while Jvayn stayed back and stayed silent.

"It was a senator from Naboo." She nodded a bit.


The woman shook her head.

"Tell us who hired you, only then can we help you."

She closed her eyes, resigned.

"It was a bounty hunter called-"

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