{Jerrie} - you're our whole world (requested)

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You sat back against the chair in disappointment.

The words from management were sinking in and you were undeniably crushed by them.

Jade and Perrie brought you with them to a little meeting that was taking place today between the three of you and management.

It recently came out that Jade and Perrie are together and although they're happy that they don't have to hide the love they have for each other, no one knows about you also being part of that relationship.

Perrie and Jade wanted to change that and ran it past management, only to hear from them that it wasn't a good idea.

Management didn't want anyone to know about the three of you being in a polyamorous relationship, they only wanted Jade and Perrie's part of it to be public.

As soon as the room was empty and it was only the three of you, your girlfriends were giving you all of their attention.

"Are you alright?" Jade asked.

You wordlessly shook your head.

You were noticeably upset and understandably so.

Your girlfriends also feel disappointed about not being able to go public with your relationship.

Although they do love each other a lot, they love you just as much.

Your relationship is only complete when it comes to all three of you being together.

It doesn't feel right with just the two of them being public.

"We have to do something," Perrie said.

"I don't want you to get into any trouble." You sighed. "It's just so unfair. I feel so excluded."

Your girlfriends understood completely.

"We know, baby," Jade said softly. "We're going to figure this out, okay? We will go public as three instead of just Perrie and me. You're just as important in this relationship and we love you so much."

"I love you too." You said as you looked at them. "I wish I could publicly say that."

Perrie put her hand on your shoulder while Jade placed hers on your thigh.

"We're going to make things public," Jade said. "I don't care what anyone says. It's not just the two of us together, it's all three of us."

"What if you get in trouble? I couldn't live with myself if something happened because of me."

"Y/N," Perrie softly spoke. "We don't care about that. What's important to us is us all being equal. It's so unfair to you if we can't all be public together."

"Are you sure?"

"More than sure," Jade said with a soft smile. "You're our whole world, baby. Tomorrow, we'll sit down and talk about what to say and we'll go public."

"And what will management say?"

"We don't care, baby," Perrie said. "We might be famous but we deserve to be normal people and we deserve to fall in love. It doesn't matter who that's with. Our fans will support us and management will learn to accept it."

You knew there was nothing that could change their minds.

They were adamant about this.

They were going to make sure everyone knew that your relationship included all three of you, not just the two of them.

You hugged them both and they squeezed you tight as they told you how much they loved you.

They didn't care what anyone said when it came to your relationship - you're all happier than ever and in love and no one could ever change that.

So with a few kisses and a few more sweet I love you's, you got up and headed home, knowing that things were going to change for the better tomorrow.

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