{Jerrie} - when you get mobbed by fans

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The commotion coming from the paparazzi and fans as you and your girlfriends entered the airport was nearly overwhelming.

You've just returned from a romantic vacation together, the first one that you've had the opportunity to embark on together in months.

It was wonderful and you managed to sneak off onto your flight without anyone knowing.

However, with pictures taken of the three of you while on vacation when people recognized your girlfriends, the airport was packed with fans and paparazzi.

You froze as soon as you stepped out and saw the crowd of unfamiliar faces and loud screams greeting you.

One of your hands was wrapped in Jade's and the other was wrapped in Perrie's and as the nerves began to hit you, they felt your hands shake in theirs.

"Y/N, it's okay," Jade said, squeezing your hand in comfort.

Perrie did the same and you looked at them both, trying to take a deep breath and find reassurance in their touches and the sweet looks in their eyes.

With them by your side, you thought that making it through the crowd wouldn't be as big of a deal as you first thought it would be.

But as you began to make your way to the exit together, the crowd began to swarm the three of you.

A rush of anxiety flooded through your veins, causing your heart to race and your palms to sweat.

"Don't worry, baby." Perrie softly spoke.

"We're here, my love. You're okay. We'll keep you safe." Jade promised.

But the chaos in the airport was much more intense than what they were used to and although they always keep you safe, they knew it was going to be much more difficult with how overwhelming the situation was.

But keeping each other safe was the priority for the three of you.

However, that was extremely difficult as the crowd of fans began to swarm around the three of you.

Mobbing the three of you, they screamed in your ears and pulled at your shirt, causing the fabric to tear.

You gasped in surprise and tried to keep walking, only for your hands to slip out of your girlfriends' as fans pulled you back.

The girls quickly came to your rescue, warning the fans to stop and let you go as they both got more upset than fans had ever caught glimpses of before.

"Let her go!" Jade yelled, startling the overexcited fans.

And as for Perrie, the look in her eyes and the way that she clenched her jaw was enough to make them back off.

But one angry fan pushed you onto the floor, angering both of your girlfriends.

"Hey! Don't you ever touch her!" Perrie angrily spoke.

"I know some of you get excited to see us but to mob our girlfriend, tear her clothes, and shove her is completely unacceptable and inappropriate!" Jade said as she clenched her jaw in frustration.

"Please leave Y/N alone." Perrie pleaded. "Respect our personal space and privacy. You're fans of us? Then prove it by showing us love and kindness. Don't shove your phones in our faces, don't mob us. Just let us be. Please."

She took your hand once more and Jade happily did the same.

You let out a heavy breath as you started to get closer to the exit.

This time, people kept their distance and snapped photos from afar, as they should've from the start.

"Are you okay, baby? Did you get hurt?" Perrie worriedly asked as you stepped out the doors, away from the crowd.

She pulled you into her arms and Jade quickly joined in on the hug, holding you both closely and tightly.

"I was scared." You said as you held onto them both. "There were so many people crowding around me and being shoved was so scary."

"I know," Jade said as she kissed your head softly. "But it's okay. You're okay. Because it's never going to happen again."

You chuckled as you pulled away from your girls, looking between them.

"Yeah, because you probably scared them."

"Well, we just want to keep you safe. Nothing matters more to us than you do." Perrie said, kissing your cheek softly.

Jade kissed your other one, brushing her fingers across your skin lovingly.

"We're just happy that you're alright," Jade said.

"Me too, and I am alright, all because of you, my loves."

They grinned and hugged you momentarily before pulling away.

"Love you." You said to them.

"We love you more." They said and kissed you softly.

"And we will always keep you safe, sweet girl; no matter what," Jade assured as she brushed her hand up and down your back in comfort.

"Can we go home? I need some cuddles from my girls." You said and they looked at each other, eyes lighting up and big smiles tugging at their lips before nodding.

Taking your hands again, they walked to the car with you, happy to go home and cuddle you for as long as your heart desired.

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