{Jerrie} - your ex that cheated wants you back (requested)

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"I've missed you both." You said as you snuggled up to your girls, your head on Jade's shoulder as Perrie played with your hair.

"We've missed you too, baby. It's so nice to have some quality time to spend together; just the three of us." Jade smiled as she kissed your cheek softly.

You were so comfortable and so warm with them holding you securely.

Your girls have been busy lately and you have as well, considering you've got a busy job, too.

So now that you have a night to spend together, you're all feeling better than you have in a couple of exhausting weeks.

You're trying not to get too cozy though since you ordered food for the three of you to share and it'll be here shortly, so you'll have to leave their embraces sooner or later.

"So," Perrie cleared her throat. "Jade and I were talking before we came over and we thought, maybe, we'd stay the night with you tonight."

"I'd love that!" You grinned and your girls did the same.

Perrie kissed your lips softly and then Jade did the same before they kissed each other.

As you put your head back on Jade's shoulder and started to talk about what to do tonight, there was a loud knock on your front door.

"That's gotta be the food." You said before getting up, much to the dismay of your girlfriends. "Be right back."

You left the room and went down the hall before reaching your front door.

"Hello!" You politely spoke as you swung the door open, thinking you'd find an unfamiliar but friendly person standing there.

But instead, you saw someone that was much too familiar.

"What are you doing here?"

"Y/N," Your ex-girlfriend sighed, looking relieved to see you.

You couldn't understand why. You just gazed at her in complete confusion.

"Hi, baby."

"Whoa, wait," You shook your head as she tried to grab your hand. "Don't call me baby. I'm not your baby anymore. Not after what you did."

"Y/N, baby?" A voice interrupted before your ex could speak up and you noticed Perrie and Jade coming into the living room, nearing the door.

"Who's this?" Jade questioned.

You felt a little relief and comfort as they brought you into their arms protectively.

They didn't like the way this girl was looking at them or you.

"My ex." You said. "She's back for some reason. After she cheated on me."

"You did what?" Perrie asked in shock. "You cheated on her? On Y/N?"

"Are you crazy?" Jade asked.

"I must've been at the time. I didn't know what I had until she was gone and I hate myself for it every day."

You rolled your eyes at her.

"What are you doing here? You realize that it's been six months since we broke up?"

"It feels like an eternity."

This time, Jade and Perrie were the ones to roll their eyes.

"I want you back."

"What?" You, Jade, and Perrie spoke in unison.

"I want us to get back together. I miss you. I'm still crazy about you. I'm sorry."

"Are you blind? Can't you see that I've moved on?" You questioned and watched your ex look at your girls.


"Us," Jade said as she clenched her teeth.

"Both of you?"

"Yep." Perrie grinned gloatingly. "You missed your chance. You could've been with this beautiful, amazing girl in the world. But you were stupid and cheated on her. You lost her."

"Come on, baby, just one chance." Your ex said, reaching out for you.

"No!" You said, outraged. "What the hell is wrong with you? We're done. We've been done for a while. I've moved on. You should too!"

"It's time for you to go," Jade said, jaw clenched.

"Can't you see that she wants nothing to do with you?" Perrie scoffed. "Just go."

"Shut up! This is between Y/N and me. You two aren't involved!" Your ex shouted in frustration.

"Don't talk to my girlfriends like that." You sternly said. "Even if I wasn't with them, I still wouldn't take you back. You cheated on me. You betrayed me and proved that I couldn't trust you. Why would I ever want to get back together with you?"

She looked angry.

But you didn't care.

"Now leave and don't come back!"

You slammed the front door in her face before she could say another word, leaving your girls feeling proud.


"Nothing," Perrie said.

"We just love the way you stood up for yourself back there." Jade smiled.

"And us," Perrie added with a smile.

"Well, she needed to know the truth. I'm not sure why she came back in the first place. I don't know why she'd ever be crazy enough to think I'd get back together with her."

"What she did to you was messed up. You didn't deserve to be cheated on." Jade said with a frown.

"It hurt at the time. I didn't think I'd ever get over it." You confessed. "But it was the best thing to ever happen to me because it led me to you and I can't imagine life without you two now."

"Oh, baby!" Perrie chuckled as she and Jade hugged you close.

"I love you both."

"We love you more," Jade said as she rubbed your shoulder, squeezing you and Perrie a little tighter.

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