{Leighade} - you feel neglected (requested)

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You heard the girls coming into the bedroom, the sound of their footsteps on the floor, and the giggles that left their lips telling you that they were close by.

You were sitting on the edge of the bed with the lights on.

It's after one am and they're just now arriving home and you're still wide awake, just as you have been each night that they've gotten home late this week.

"Y/N," Jade said as she and Leigh-Anne entered the bedroom. "You're awake."

"Yeah." You said quietly.

"Well, how was your day, baby?" Leigh-Anne asked as she came over and kissed your forehead.

"Not great." You answered and watched them frown.

"Why not?" Jade asked.

You wordlessly shrugged your shoulders but that wasn't a good enough answer for them.

"Y/N, what's the matter?" Leigh-Anne asked as she sat down beside you.

"I made dinner tonight. I had everything set up for us. Candles, soft music, flowers, and a nice dinner. I made it all special. And then you called me again and said you couldn't make it."

Leigh-Anne and Jade both sighed in sadness.

"We're sorry, baby. Work has been so grueling lately." Jade said with a sigh.

"But it's not the first time over the last couple of weeks that this has happened. In fact, it's happened several times." You reminded them.


"No! I don't know what to do anymore. You get to spend a ton of time together every day because of little mix. I don't! I feel neglected."

Your words crushed them.

Making you feel neglected was the very last thing they ever wanted to do.

"I miss you both so much. It feels like no one ever wants to be with me. You get to be with each other all the time and I'm constantly left out."

"You're right," Jade said. "And that's so wrong of us."

"We're so sorry, baby. We didn't mean to make you feel this way." Leigh-Anne said. "We miss you too."

"When is the next time I get to spend some time with you?" You asked as you looked between them.

"Tomorrow," Jade said. "We're taking tomorrow off to be with our girl. And then we have some free time coming up that we're going to devote to you."

"It might only be one day but after just a couple days, we're all yours again. Is that okay?" Leigh-Anne asked.

You nodded as your eyes lit up, making theirs so the same.

"We're going to make this all up to you, sweet girl. We promise." Jade smiled as she squeezed your knee.

"We love you so much. Please don't ever forget that." Leigh-Anne said as she and Jade pulled you into their arms.

"I love you too; both of you." You said as you squeezed them tightly, grateful that things were going to be okay again.

Little Mix x Fem Reader Poly Imagines Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora