
Start from the beginning

She was never really nice, but unlike most hutts she never treated slaves badly, she treated them more like housekeepers, which wasn't good of course, but not bad like most other slaves had it.

Slavery was now outlawed, and this was enforced strongly by the Jedi.

Zygerria on the other hand, was even bigger.

A year after those events on Tatooine, the council made its next big and successful move.

Dispatching yet another Jedi force or strike team, Windu and Rancisis being involved again, though that time the rest of the group was Obi-Wan, Yaddle, Luminara, Quinlan Vos, Zander Wren, Nicholas, Elizabeth, Shadday Potkin, and finally his now former master, Shaak Ti.

The palace had been stormed, chaos had erupted immediately.

Queen Miraj was killed when she attempted to attack Vos from behind, ending up with master Wren's lightsaber through her stomach.

Darts D'nar was also killed, having taken down Obi-Wan in a hand-to-hand fight, only to end up decapitated by the amethyst blade of master Windu before he could finish Obi-Wan off.

While Atai Molec willingly surrendered, much to their surprise. Turned out he had been against queen Scintel from the very beginning.

While most Zygerrians on their homeworld treated slaves like, well, slaves, they'd discovered from a multitude of slaves (now former), and even a couple other Zygerrians, that he actually treated them kindly behind closed doors (given he couldn't do so openly as Scintel watched his every move).

So the Jedi council offered that he take on the mantle as the new king of Zygerria and help enforce laws banning slavery, and he would be pardoned, and he accepted, and surprisingly in Anakin's opinion, the Zygerrian male kept his word, slavery nowadays was highly frowned upon by most Zygerrians now, which showed that times were changing and for the better.

(Yes, I'm making him not evil here, again just cause)

Following this, slavers across the galaxy knew the jig was up, so either they give it up or the Jedi would come for them. So, give up they did.

So if there was any slavery left, it was rare and it was hidden.

The public meanwhile now saw the Jedi entirely as heroes, and it was clear that this would likely never waver for many, many years.

Shmi and Kitster remained in the Jedi temple, his mother having taken on a job as a healer, she didn't have the force mind you, but she was still a good one regardless, and masters Osedh and Che were grateful. So much so they'd given her the title of the Jedi order's third chief healer.

Kitster was more into fixing things, so when he was old enough, he started helping by repairing damaged or destroyed objects (minus lightsabers), and also fixing up starfighters.

Anakin heard that Wald had returned to Rodia with his mother and were living out peaceful lives there, he visited once in a while with Kitster.

The council had noticed Anakin and Savage's relationship, knowing it would likely turn romantic. Though they didn't comment on it, nor did they try to step in and stop it. In part given they knew it was inevitable, and also because of the very close bonds each council member has with him, they didn't want to potentially ruin it, nor did they have the heart to step in and stop it.

Speaking of, master Tiin had stepped down two years ago, replaced quickly after by master Coleman Trebor.

And Shaak Ti had been appointed to the high council herself.

Master Plo had taken on another student, being one Jvayn Zeerel. Anakin hadn't met him yet, though Barriss had, and she said he was good, kind of similar to master Plo in personality, so he knew he and Zeerel would get along just fine.


Things were very good, and were calming across the galaxy.


But as the saying goes...

The calm before the storm.

*Ominous right? Anyways, next chapter will have another time jump, two more years into the future, so Anakin will be 19 then. What do you think of everything that's going on here so far? Any thoughts on the characters? The council? The Senate?

Also, ZxyStoryline, I read a couple of your stories a while back and decided to give you a little cameo. Might do more cameo appearances of other people's oc characters in the future, but don't worry I'll be sure I let you know when an oc belongs to someone else and not me.

Next chapter we will really start getting into things.

*Oh, for what Anakin wears from events pre and post Attack of The Clones...

(Imagine his outfit being Luke's robes in canon from TFA, but remember this is an AU. Also both of his hands are gloved, not just the one. And brown boots. His lightsaber is still the same, but with a yellow blade)

(I decided that since he's trained under a different master, he wears different robes)

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