Y/n: I don't know, about 80 something.

The random man: how many people have you killed

Is this man crazy, I would never kill a person, I am dealing with a psycho

Y/n: man what, I have never killed anyone.

I said I'm shocked of the questions I was being asked

The random man: why?

He said in the same tone of voice he was always in

Y/n: what do you mean why, because I am not a murder

The random man: my name is Rick, Rick grimes.

He said, avoiding the questions I asked for him

Y/n: ......you didn't my question, I answered yours, so answer mine

Rick: like I said i am the one who is asking not you.

He said it, letting go of my hands.

Y/n: why did you held my hands like you was about to arrest me

Rick: please you tried to fight me with a stick, like that was gonna do anything ( he said under his breath)

Y/n: I wasn't trying to fight you, I was angry because I just saw my dead friend and I had to see her die.

Rick: she was already dead.

He said without any empathy in his words that just came out of his mouth

Y/n: damn who hurt you.......

He stoped and looked at me with his blue watery eyes like the ocean, he didn't say anything but I knew I brought up something in him , just by his reaction. He turned around and started walking, I didn't know if I should follow him or not, but I had no one and he looked like he is eating good. I was hungry and I had to go, what can happen that is so bad than this. I followed him to where he is going. He didn't stop at all but I noticed that he was heading to the beach, where I was originally going.

Rick: why are you following me?

He stopped and turned around to look at me

Y/n: I'm not, I told you I was going to the beach

Rick: well you could have gone another way

He gave me a look of confusion

Y/n: look you don't own this place, I can go where ever i want, And you can't stop me

I said looking at me trying not to get scared of what he might do next, but he didn't do anything. He just turned around and continued walking to the beach.


Y/n: look at the ocean it's so beautiful, the world is going to shit, expect for the ocean.

Rick: well we are here, you better stop follow me

Y/n: whatever, I don't wanna follow you

Rick: good

He said walking away
I didn't turned around to look, I was just on the ground seating and looking at the ocean and the sky. Not knowing minutes have pasted and it's getting darker, I didn't know where to go and Rick was gone, he left minutes ago and I don't have a weapon. Damnit, having a big ego doesn't get you far. Now I am gonna die at the beach, all alone with the ocean and the blue sky shining on the ocean, reflecting light. I heard, walkers, many and with me not having a weapon, meant the end for me. I didn't wanna get up and run because it's never gonna stop, if I escape today, it will happen again, there is no life but pain. So I just seat there, tears in my eyes, at least I was gonna die at my favorite spot. The beach

They were getting closer, I cried more but no sound came out from the sadness, just tears. I cried enough and made enough noise. Before I could think more of my death that was gonna happen, I hear a man, with gun shooting at the walkers. It was Rick but this time he looked worried, he killed barely half of them, but they kept on coming more and more in a second, he kept on shooting at the walkers like it was nothing to him.

Rick: are you trying to get yourself killed

He said in a frustrated way, he grabbed my hands and motioning me to get up and move but I couldn't, I had no energy, he stoped for a second from killing the walkers and carried me on his arms, he picked me up and he started to run away because there was too many walkers, he couldn't kill them all by himself. His bullet ran out. All I could see was Rick face with blood all over it, him running and that was the last thing, I heard. I passed out like light.


Rick: hey, are you awake

I heard a man say, I felt like I was on a bed, because I was and there was this man, I'm guessing it's Rick.

Y/': where am I

I asked

Rick: a place, my place

Y/n: is this your plan on killing me
I said jokingly

Rick: if I wanted to kill you I would have left you at the beach

He said with the same tone, but this time it was different like he was gonna laugh but stopped himself , I wonder why.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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