Unfamiliar Faces

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The animals kept running further and further away from the construction site, with Whiskers, Lola, Brandy, and Ed on their backs. Finally, they arrived at a beach with a large sandcastle; it was actually Whiskers's sandcastle. "SLOW DOWN!" The mysterious animal with Whiskers shouted. "THEY SHOULDN'T FOLLOW US THIS FAR!" Whiskers dismounted from the animal while another, who still had Lola in her mouth, spit her out. 

"Ohh, your breath stinks!" Lola said. A few other animals lowered Brandy and Ed (who were still in the cages) to the ground. Then they each lifted a sharp nail, showing them to the dog and otter, startling them. Thinking that the animals that the animals were gonna finish them out, they panicked. But they stopped when they noticed the animals inserting their nails into the locks. Breathing a sigh of relief, they waited until a CLICK went out in both locks. The animals removed them from the cages and opened the cages.

Brandy and Ed immediately sprinted out without thanking them. They pushed through the large army and made it to Whiskers and Lola, who were having a conversation with the animals who saved them. 

"WHISKERS! LOLA!" Brandy shouted as she picked them up and hugged them real tight. "Brrr-brady? you're chocking us." Lola gasped. Brandy set them and Whiskers and Lola began breathing for air. 

"Excuse me? May I continue please?" The mysterious animal asked in edgy tone of voice. "Or do I need to go everything over with you again?" "I'm sorry," Brandy replied. "Who are you?" The animal pulled his mask off, which revealed the face of a grey fox. He had a long scar on his left eye, both of his eyes were yellow, and he wore a white beaded necklace around his neck. 

"Well, I only get two thanks," the fox replied, "But not two more from the dog and otter, whose lives I saved." 

"Oh, please forgive them," Whiskers replied. "Brandy may be ungrateful at times but she's kind when she needs to be and my friend." 

"No matter, the name's Sage, commander of the Grey Fox, this is Ruby, my second-in-command." The other animal removed her mask, also revealing a grey vixen. She had ruby eyes and also wore a white beaded necklace. While Everyone was discussing their names and situations, Whiskers was blown away by Ruby's appearance. She was the most beautiful creature besides Brandy he ever seen.  

Suddenly Sage just slapped Whiskers in the face. "Rabbit! Do I have you attention now?"  Whiskers snapped back to reality and nodded quickly. "Anyway," Sage continued, "We came here for a new life. We are actually from a wildlife refuge in Southern Florida. Our lives were...fine but there were-

"WAIT A MINUTE! LEMME STOP YOU RIGHT THERE!" Brandy interrupted. "Did you say Florida?" 

"Yes. Southern Florida. Why?"


The whole fox settlement gasped in unison. Brandy stopped talking when she noticed what they assumed she was referring to. 

"Did I say that out loud? I meant to say 'PARENTS.' I don't have owners, I have parents," She laughed, "There's a difference. I hope you didn't take that the wrong way."

"Please let the Commander continue and save the rest of your questions for later." Ruby responded, "No more interruptions!"

Brandy raised her hands up and nodded and stepped back a bit from Sage and Ruby. "Now as I was saying," Sage said. "Our lives were fine at the wildlife refuge in Florida. But there was a problem, despite the warning signs displayed everywhere, the refuge was not heavily guarded. Trespassers were sneaking in undetected, gunning us down one by one. We finally realized that this refuge was no longer safe for us, so we decided to escape and leave not only Florida, but the USA for good. We knew the wildlife refuges were not ideal for us if trespassers were gonna keep coming. Long story short, we waited for escape, got on a boat, and sailed to South America. I think you know the rest."

"Well, welcome to the Amazon." Ed responded with a handshake. "Or at least what's happening to it." Lola added. 

"Yes, we saw," Ruby spoke. "Which is why we're going to take those workers down. With your help and everyone else's help, the Rainforest will be ours. But I just noticed that so far, you four and the workers are the ones we saw here. Where are the rest of the animals?"

"Oh, I just rescued two toucan sisters yesterday," Whiskers spoke. "They're here somewhere in this jungle and I'm sure they'll gladly join us."

"Perfect. Let's go." Whiskers, Lola, Ed, Sage, Ruby, and the rest moved to search for Meryl and Sheryl and the other animals. Everyone that is, except Brandy who stayed behind. Little did everyone know she had other plans.

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