Chapter 26

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By now it was Sunday afternoon and Rosalyn was packing her few things back into her gym bag

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By now it was Sunday afternoon and Rosalyn was packing her few things back into her gym bag. The weekend had been dreamlike, but now it would end. She had asked Alan to drive her home, as the situation at his mansion was becoming too risqué for her. After all, his wife might return on an earlier flight or other visitors might show up unannounced. Once again she sat down on the bed where she had spent many hours with the actor. Lost in thought, she stroked her fingers over the fine bed cover and thought of the past days. They hadn't really talked about their future, just enjoyed the moments together. Starting tomorrow, everything would be the same again, which wasn't exactly encouraging. Alan wanted to meet with her regularly, but Rosalyn didn't think that was a good idea. She would rather wait for the divorce, after all, otherwise he could be accused of having an extramarital affair. She didn't want negative headlines for him; he didn't deserve that. Her dull thoughts were interrupted when the actor came in the door, having already been looking for her.

"I've missed you already," Alan said, joining her on the bed. He took her hand in his and stroked her fingers as he looked into her eyes and smiled encouragingly at her. The current situation was getting to them both. "I don't want you to leave yet, but I understand your concerns. If you want, I could stay with you until evening, I don't have to just drive you home, we could spend some more time together." Alan didn't want to leave her alone in her apartment, the days with her had gone by way too fast.

"No, it's better if we do it as we agreed," Rosalyn replied, squeezing his hand and giving him a quick kiss. Once again she hugged him, enjoying his closeness that made her feel so safe. "Let's go." With a heavy heart, she got up, grabbed her bag and opened the door to go downstairs. Followed by Alan, she went into the wardrobe.

A little later they drove through London's snowy streets. Not a word was spoken in the car, only the radio played soft music, not even the cheerful melody could lift the heavy mood. Faster than they would have liked, they arrived in front of the apartment complex. Alan parked and turned off the engine. "Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" he asked again, not wanting to accept that the weekend was over. Waiting, he looked toward her, hoping for a positive answer from her.

"No," Rosalyn responded. "I want to thank you for everything, the last few days with you have been wonderful." She leaned forward to kiss the actor. The kiss was long and intense, as if it was a goodbye kiss forever. Once again they embraced as much as the space in the car seats allowed, then she picked up her bag and got out. She didn't look back at his car, she wouldn't bear to see him, saying goodbye had been hard enough. Sadly, she took the elevator upstairs and went into her small apartment. Everything in it seemed so dull and loveless, her eyes fell on the table where Alan's cap lay, which he had forgotten at her place. She missed him already, even though they had just seen each other. Rosalyn had to distract herself, she found it hard to bear the unresolved situation. A life together with the actor would certainly not be easy, but she would try, because she loved him. She left her bag carelessly in the room, she would rather go to her basement compartment to get her old moving boxes. She hadn't received any confirmation about the new apartment yet, but she didn't want to live here any longer either.

Fortunately, she had kept the old boxes, which she could put to good use now. Little by little, she folded them up and filled them with the things she would definitely take with her to the new accommodation. The pile of items she no longer needed grew larger and larger. She would ask a few of her neighbors if they wanted any of it, since she couldn't sell it all in the short time she had. Looking at the clock, she couldn't believe it was already past midnight. She had managed to get quite a bit done, but her apartment was in chaos due to her actions. There were boxes everywhere, it was hard to walk through the rooms. The day had been long enough, she would retire now so she wouldn't be too tired for work in the morning.


Rosalyn sat at her computer, listlessly looking through the agenda points she had to complete. Alan had work to do again today on the set of Harry Potter, after which he had a brief meeting scheduled with his manager. She had no idea if Mary had returned yesterday and if he had already spoken to her about the divorce. Letting her eyes wander around the room, she decided to take a short break to continue filling her moving boxes so that everything wasn't in disarray, otherwise she wouldn't be able to concentrate on her work. In the meantime, when she sat back down at the PC and checked her own mail, she had received a message regarding the apartment in Andover. She had gotten on the list of potential tenants, she just needed to provide proof of income. Delighted, she immediately sent the requested documents. Subsequently, she would immediately phone her current landlord to see if she could get out of her current lease sooner. Apartments in London were very popular, surely a new tenant could be found soon.

By now it was late afternoon and Rosalyn had managed her day's workload. She had terminated her current lease. Now everything would happen very quickly, since she could not stay in this apartment much longer. She had also finished the work for Rickman, and now she would turn her attention back to her belongings and continue packing. With mixed feelings, she walked through her four walls and looked through her closets. She wasn't sure yet how to explain her new living arrangements to Alan. It would be best to do it as soon as possible, since she couldn't hide it from him much longer.

 It would be best to do it as soon as possible, since she couldn't hide it from him much longer

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Forbidden Passion (Alan Rickman FF) ENGLISH VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now