Chapter 6

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Rosalyn looked up at him in surprise

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Rosalyn looked up at him in surprise. She thought she hadn't heard him correctly. He couldn't let her go? Immediately, little butterflies flew around in her stomach, leaving a telltale feeling of infatuation that she didn't want to have. She'd rather not look at him too closely right now, or a suspicious blush would form on her cheeks. No sooner had Alan entered her apartment than she locked the door behind him. "Come in, you can leave your shoes on. For once I'll make coffee for us, at least there are no precious cups here for me to destroy," she joked, although she didn't feel like it at all, after all, yesterday's situation was still heavy on her stomach. "I also think we should talk about yesterday, but I'm of the opinion that it won't really change anything," she added.

Vehemently Alan shook his head and immediately contradicted her: "We haven't even started talking yet and you want to bury the whole thing already? I can't let you do that! We are two grown people and I think we could talk openly about yesterday's situation, even like such. Since you quit anyway, you can be honest with me, after all, there's not much at stake anymore. You can now tell me everything you don't like about me. Believe me, I can take your words. I reacted the wrong way yesterday, and I'm sorry for how the conversation went." Alan wanted to draw her out, but whether he would really be ready for her honest statement, he didn't know at the moment. Who knows if she would even give him an answer.

Rosalyn's thoughts were racing, she couldn't believe everything he was saying. Without giving him an answer, she quickly went into the kitchen and turned on the coffee machine. She would definitely need an extra large portion to get through this conversation.

Alan followed her into the kitchen and sat down at the small table in the middle of the room without being asked. He put the bag with the chocolate croissants on it and looked around curiously, after all, he had never been here before. The furnishings were kept very simple, but to his sensation quite comfortable and cozy. He immediately felt at home, it reminded him of earlier times when everything had been easier for him and no one had recognized him on the streets when he had gone for a walk. Automatically he thought of the villa he lived in with his wife. This enormous luxury was absolutely not necessary to be happy, he had known that for a long time. After all, he did not attach great importance to such objects, and yet he surrounded himself almost exclusively with expensive things, such as cars, a villa and heaps of other stuff that no one really needed. He realized that this was not the fulfillment of life. Only acting drove him forward and pulled Alan along every day anew. That was his calling and he lived it to the full. He knew that some things were not right in his everyday life. But one could not be so impudent and question everything, or could one? Some aspects in his current situation were emotionally quite justifiable. At least, that's what he tried to tell himself; after all, not all of life could be perfect. Immediately, his concerns went back to his wife, Mary, with whom he had been arguing more and more frequently lately. Only when Rosalyn addressed him the second time did he emerge from his muddled thoughts.

His assistant noticed that Alan had drifted off into another world and his gaze seemed far away as he stared at the table in front of him. By now, the coffee machine had finished preparing and she just wanted to ask him how he liked his coffee today. Rickman was like her, sometimes drinking it black as night, with or without sugar, depending on his mood. Only when she approached him the second time did he respond, looking uneasily into her eyes. "Alan, how would you like your coffee?" she asked him uncertainly, since he still seemed so absent to her. Wonder what he had been thinking about?

Confused, he stared at her for a few seconds until he finally understood her question. "Oh sorry," he said slightly overwhelmed, "today please a double espresso without anything. Depending on how the conversation turns out, I may well need another cup of that brew." He watched her closely as she prepared the two coffee creations. It wasn't until she joined him at the table that he began to gather himself for the conversation.

"What do you mean by brew?", Rosalyn asked him somewhat reproachfully, "I know my coffee maker is a cheap product compared to yours, but I'm happy with it." Still looking at him in offense, she waited for a reaction on his part. Somehow she had already had enough of this conversation. Surely he hadn't meant anything by it, but still it was getting on her nerves right now.

"So, now that we are both seated, we can start the important part. I hope we can find a solution between us," he started talking, not paying attention to her previous objection at all.

It began to boil inside Rosalyn and Alan's inconsideration made her angry. No matter what he would suggest now, she would just vehemently disagree with him just so she could provoke him. She wanted to see how far he would allow it. She stared into her old, faded coffee cup. She would have preferred not to have this conversation. If only she had looked through her spyhole and not opened the door in the first place. But since no one had rung the bell, she had thought it was just the neighbor who might need some sugar. Rosalyn didn't want to listen to his apology, or whatever this was going to be, so she interrupted him immediately, "Alan, you mustn't be angry with me, but I'll tell you now how it is. I can't stand the atmosphere in your mansion anymore. I also can't stand Mary always picking fights for no reason anymore. Because if I don't even dare to get a coffee or go out for a breath of fresh air, then that's not a working environment for me! I hope you can understand that."

Today I would like to introduce Sonya:

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Today I would like to introduce Sonya:

Sonya White Jaguar is a spiritual healer and mystical romance author who has several books here on Wattpad about Alan Rickman. Her latest work, The Romance Lounge, is a love story inspired by Alan's play Tango at the End of Winter. The book will be published on Feb 21, in honor of Alan's birthday. Check out Sonya's books!

Here you can go directly to her profile:


If anyone is interested in future projects from Sonya, please feel free to leave a follow.😊


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