Chapter 7

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Alan looked at her in surprise

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Alan looked at her in surprise. He had never realized that the situation at home was already so messed up. He knew that his wife wasn't too fond of his assistant, but he had never imagined that the situation would turn out to be so difficult. "Is it just Mary, or are there other problems between us?" he asked Rosalyn, looking at her closely because he wanted to see her reaction. However, his intuition was telling him right now that she probably wasn't telling the truth.

She didn't really know how to answer that. The main reason was Mary, of course, but the second reason was even more serious, because she had fallen in love with him some time ago. But she couldn't possibly tell him this aspect. "Yes I must admit that it is mainly your wife who is to blame for this unbearable situation. I didn't do anything to her and yet she always reacts negatively to me, it's enough when she sees me from afar. But to be honest, by now I am also overwhelmed. You are so famous that I can't manage to organize all the appointments correctly anymore. I think it would really be better if you had a more suitable assistant. I've taken leave until the weekend and on Monday I have a meeting with my agency, I'll suggest a new person for you to them." Bashfully, she now looked at the wrapped croissants of his and felt miserable. Actually, she didn't want to dump Alan at all, but her mind decided it would be the best solution for all concerned.

"What a nonsense!" he contradicted energetically, "you have organized everything perfectly up to now. The few mistakes that have happened can happen to anyone, that's human. I promise you, we will find a solution. If you want, I'll rent a separate office for you, or you can work from your home and I'll pay you an occasional visit here, if necessary."

Rosalyn looked at him in dismay. He would rent an office especially for her? "No Alan, that's not needed. I think it's better if we go our separate ways in the future." A thick lump formed in her throat and the words she had just thrown at him hurt her beyond belief. She hated and loved at the same time the man sitting in front of her, looking at her disappointedly with his brown eyes. She closed her eyelids for a moment, because she couldn't stand the sight of him anymore.

Rickman looked at her, offended. He had always believed they would get along well, but apparently that had not been the case, as she had not felt it necessary to accept his offer. "I honestly can't understand that statement now. Anyway, if that is your decision, I will accept it. I think I'd better go, I guess we have nothing more to say to each other in this matter. I'm sorry about working together, I really assumed we'd get along well, but apparently it's just been one-sided." Gruffly he got up and without thinking any further he walked out of the apartment door, slammed it shut and made his way downstairs.

Rosalyn was so caught up in her thoughts that she could not react at all to his accusations. On the one hand, she was appalled by what he had said, but on the other hand, she was touched that he would have even rented an office for her, just so that she would not have to meet his wife in the future. Now she had probably finally scared him away and offended him, however, it was for the best. She wanted to get rid of Alan, she couldn't stand it next to him anymore. She couldn't stand how he was adored by his fans on the one hand and how he was already taken anyway and thus unattainable for her.

Alan stormed down the last steps and ran to his car. Full of emotions he got in and accelerated. This couldn't be true, he scolded in his mind. Rosalyn had really grown on him and he couldn't imagine not seeing her almost every day anymore. Even though sometimes it had only been for a few minutes, he still liked her quiet nature that made him forget about his busy day. As he drove down the streets, he continued to ponder. Why didn't he feel the same when he thought about his wife? As he pursued these thoughts more closely, he became uncomfortably aware that something was wrong. He immediately downplayed his emerging feelings for Rosalyn; after all, there was nothing between them at all.

When he came to a stop at a red light, he immediately picked up his cell phone, switched it on and looked up his manager's number; he needed a new assistant, after all. A short time later, he threw his phone on the passenger seat in displeasure. Already tomorrow, another employee would come and do the further work for him. But if he was honest with himself, he didn't want someone new; he didn't like getting used to anyone again. He had been so glad then that he got along so well with Rosalyn. However, Alan certainly wouldn't chase after her, that wasn't his way.

Still standing in the kitchen, she poured away the two now cold drinks and put the cups in the sink. She stared at the untouched bag from the bakery, which he had completely forgotten in his rage. She had no desire to eat any of it, but she wanted to see what he had brought. Rosalyn realized that it was the delicious chocolate croissants she knew from the bakery. Automatically, her mouth watered. Should she perhaps give him a chance after all? Possibly it would be enough if Mary was no longer constantly around to improve the mood considerably. But she knew it was really a different problem, not his impossible wife. She didn't want the actor around anymore. Why he had reacted so extremely impulsively, she didn't understand, because actually he was calm and calculated. Even though he had a determining side to him, he had always been kind to her.

 Even though he had a determining side to him, he had always been kind to her

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.
Forbidden Passion (Alan Rickman FF) ENGLISH VERSIONحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن