Chapter 14

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Rickman turned restlessly back and forth on the sofa

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Rickman turned restlessly back and forth on the sofa. When he bumped his head against the end, he finally woke up. "Ow," he muttered in annoyance, rubbing the spot with his fingers so the pain would quickly subside. Slowly, he scrambled to a sitting position. He was much too tall for the couch, it would have been best if he had gone into the guest room, but his wife would not have allowed that either.

Alan had to come up with something, and fast. He wouldn't be able to stand sleeping here all weekend, let alone arguing with Mary, he couldn't go on like this. Actually, it was way too early, but he would shower, get dressed, and get some fresh pastries for a proper breakfast. After that, he would be happy to talk to his wife about how they could solve the situation and the tense atmosphere between them.

Silently, he went up the stairs. For today, he would use the guest bathroom so he wouldn't wake Mary. Fortunately, there were some clothes of his stored in the guest closet, so he could get freshly dressed without having to go to the master bedroom. When he finished his personal hygiene, he made his way back downstairs to head to the bakery. Perhaps he would get his wife's favorite pastry, which she liked to eat for breakfast.

A short time later, he was already standing in the small store and told the employee which buns he would like to take. The woman put everything in a big paper bag for him, but could not hide the curious look she gave to the actor. Alan was glad that it was early in the morning, so no fans besieged him yet, it was enough for him to see the interested expression in the eyes of the saleswoman. Quickly he went out of the store and got into his car, he immediately drove back to his villa. He tried to suppress the bad mood that had existed between him and his wife for some time, after all, he wanted to find a solution to the current problem with her. He prepared breakfast and tried his best to please Mary. When he was finished with everything, he turned on the coffee machine.

Quietly, he went upstairs to wake his wife so they could sit together at the table. When he carefully opened the door, he found no one there. Only when he heard the rush of water did he know that she was already in the bathroom. Steam rose toward him as he entered there to let Mary know. "Good morning," he called into the mist, as he could only make out outlines under the rain shower.

"What's up Alan? I'm in the shower, as you obviously noticed," she replied less than sympathetically.

"Yes, I noticed," he returned monotonously. He didn't want to argue with her again, "I've prepared breakfast for us, since I want to sit down with you to discuss a few things."

"I'm going to have to disappoint you on that one," came bitingly from her as she turned off the shower, "since you weren't with me last night, you also didn't realize that I've arranged to meet with my friend today, so I don't need anything to eat right now."

"Maybe you have at least a moment to sit down with me, it would be very important to me," Alan said to her while impatiently stepping from one foot to the other. "I'll wait for you in the kitchen," he added, closing the door, for he had no desire to watch his wife go through her morning routine, which could drag on ad infinitum.

Frustrated, he went downstairs and had his automatic coffee machine make him a big cup of coffee. What a shame, he thought to himself. Hopefully they would get their act together; in the end, he didn't want a divorce, even though he had thought about it several times. He really didn't want to witness this scandal voluntarily. He had already seen enough of his fellow actors being torn apart in the press and every little detail of dirty laundry being washed in public, no thanks. Alan sat down at the table with his hot drink and immediately began to eat breakfast, after all, his wife didn't take any time for it anyway.

A little later, Mary came into the kitchen. Her strong perfume filled the entire room, which Alan found unpleasant and intrusive. "I'd like to find a solution to our constant quarrels, which have gotten out of hand in the last few months," he immediately started to speak, because he didn't want to waste any more time, who knows how long she was going to be present.

"I already have an idea," she said as if shot out of a pistol, which irritated Alan a bit. Had she already thought about it, too? Was she equally aware that they needed a solution as a married couple?

"How about a little city trip, possibly to New York, but Paris would suffice in a pinch. I haven't visited the Hermes boutique for a long time, maybe they have one of the rare Birkin bags in stock, possibly a Kelly bag would also do, the main thing is a new bag. The store is very close to the Four Seasons Hotel!" she exclaimed euphorically, her mood rising from one second to the next.

Alan ran his hand over his face in disappointment; after all, it would have been a miracle if anything constructive had come from her side for once. "Whatever you say," was all he gave in reply. He wasn't stupid, he knew that the bags of the Parisian luxury brand could easily cost a price of 30,000€ and up, depending on the version.

"Really? Oh, you would give me great joy with that," she said happily, assuming it would be okay with Alan, "you don't mind if I use your credit card, do you? Unfortunately, I don't have time to talk to you anymore now, as I'm meeting my friend soon. But I will book on the way so that we can still get a good room. Of course, I can't forget about the flights. I'll be glad to have a weekend to ourselves after so long, where we can be together undisturbed, my darling." Without staying any longer, she pressed a quick kiss on his cheek and disappeared out into the entryway, where she immediately took off through the front door.

"Darling," he repeated her spoken term of endearment somberly once again. "Where is this all going? This is not how I had actually planned our debate," he continued muttering to himself. Mary's heavy perfume continued to linger in the air, beginning to give him a headache. Maybe there was something good about it, possibly they would find each other again in France and put their quarrels behind them. After all, Paris was the city of love. He hoped that Mary would be considerate of his schedule; after all, she had access to his appointments as well.


Thanks to all who give me a star at the end of each chapter. It means a lot to me as an author, after all, writing stories is not exactly a small amount of work. So thank you to all of you who support and motivate me to keep writing.

If I am honest, I would wish that more readers of you support me, after all not exactly few read along with this story.

Probably most think nothing of it, if they do not press a star. But believe me, I know from other authors, it can be very demotivating, up to the point that some even give up completely, which I find very sad.

 But believe me, I know from other authors, it can be very demotivating, up to the point that some even give up completely, which I find very sad

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Forbidden Passion (Alan Rickman FF) ENGLISH VERSIONOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora