Chapter 2

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Rosalyn quickly washed her hands in the kitchen sink and immediately disappeared into the office next door

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Rosalyn quickly washed her hands in the kitchen sink and immediately disappeared into the office next door. She would have liked to start crying, but then she would only have embarrassed herself in front of Alan. After all, he would surely join her shortly to discuss upcoming appointments. A quick glance at her wristwatch confirmed that she had already wasted far too much time on nonsense.

Looking back at the table, she realized once again how many requests she still had to clear with Alan and his manager. Quickly she turned on the computer, she hadn't even done that today, what was wrong with her? In the meantime she began to open and sort the first letters. When she heard the front door slam shut, she jolted up from her activity. But she didn't have much time to think about it, because dozens of e-mails came into the inbox one after the other, promising lots of work.

Rosalyn was so busy with her work that she didn't notice the door open. Only when she noticed the delicious smell of coffee did she lift her eyes and see Alan standing in front of the desk with two large paper cups in his hands. "I'm sorry about earlier," he apologized, uncomfortably touched, "I thought I'd better bring us some fresh coffee from the bakery." "It had been just as well for me to leave the kitchen," he said meaningfully in response, setting the two mugs down on the side of the large table.

Rosalyn didn't know what to make of his gesture. She really liked Alan, but she couldn't stand the whole situation anymore. She still looked at him unblinkingly and waited for the next step.

He saw that his assistant didn't quite know how to respond to him, which was odd. After all, they could usually talk casually. "Come on, let's leave all the work and take a little break so the coffee doesn't get cold," he said to her, looking at her promptly.

"All right," she replied curtly to that, avoiding his gaze that rested on her face. "Possibly we could talk about the upcoming appointments." After all, they hadn't gotten very far with their workload today.

"Let's forget about meetings and work for once and rather tell me how you're doing today," Alan told her, continuing to look at her intently. He noticed that something was wrong, because usually she was in a better mood, but maybe it was because of the previous situation with his wife.

"My private life is not very exciting, I wouldn't know what to tell you," she answered dismissively. He probably just wanted to distract her so that she wouldn't have to think about the unpleasant incident. But she didn't feel like revealing anything about her current life situation. In her opinion, she was a colorless person. No one would notice her on the stage, not a single person in the hall would look in her direction. Although she was occasionally seen with him, it had still never happened to her that a passerby stopped her to ask her about Alan. Absolutely no one noticed her presence, she was just a gray mouse in the otherwise busy London. This thought alone was enough to realize her decision to end the collaboration. "Alan I am sorry, but there is really a lot of work at the table. It's better we talk these things through now. As far as I know, you have an appointment later anyway and then no time to talk to me about it," she reminded him of the actual tasks.

But he didn't seem to respond to the objection from her and continued to speak undeterred, "What I wouldn't give to just cancel everything and go on vacation." He ran his hand through his slightly too long, gray hair and seemed to be deep in thought.

"I can't imagine that at all," Rosalyn remarked, "you'd certainly be bored after a few days already, and you'd already miss the bustling streets of London." Besides, she believed, he would find his wife's constant presence more than tiresome. After all, it had been years since he had had a more extended family vacation.

Of course, his assistant was right, he would only be able to bear it with the right person by his side, but he immediately pushed those thoughts away, preferring to say to her, "I hope you didn't burn yourself on the hot coffee earlier. I forgot to ask you because of the excitement."

"No no, it's all right Alan. I was lucky and the cup only fell on the kitchen sideboard. I have you to thank for cleaning up the rest of the broken pieces for me. After all, I would have done it myself if Mary hadn't sent me away."

"It's all right," he told her, looking at her apologetically, "I know she's not an easy person. I've known her for so long and yet she's still a mystery to me sometimes."

Rosalyn could only smile at his statement, because if she had said anything in response, it wouldn't have been anything nice. She looked at her counterpart and sank into her usual daydreams as soon as he was near her. It bugged her that she was acting like a fangirl inside. Luckily, she at least still had enough self-control not to make a complete fool of herself. She was desperate for a distraction, so she started reading the upcoming appointments out loud.

When she had finished her long monologue, Rickman looked tense. "It's getting more and more requests," he groaned, annoyed, and now began to walk slowly up and down.

"Yes, of course it's getting more and more, after all you're a celebrity by now. I wouldn't want to be in your place, it would all be too much for me," Rosalyn replied to his frustrated exclamation.

"Personally, I'm mostly interested in the art of acting. That there are shady sides there as well, unfortunately, doesn't stay far away. Rosalyn, I would give anything for that aspect not to exist. How nice it would be to be able to just walk out the door and no one would notice me on the open street," he continued speaking and the frustration was clear from his dark voice.

She just nodded at that, because there was no need to reply to his remark. Again, trying to distract herself from the strange mood, she now spoke to him, "Would you be ok with the dates like this, or would you rather I clear them with your manager? Because otherwise I'll release the schedule to be sent to everyone."

Alan mumbled something unintelligible and rubbed the bridge of his nose. He stood there like that for some time until he noticed that Rosalyn seemed to be watching him, probably waiting for an answer. "What's the matter?" he asked her now, realizing that something was wrong.

"Alan, I'm sorry. But I don't think I'll be working for you in the future," she mumbled sheepishly, for she was afraid of his reaction.

 But I don't think I'll be working for you in the future," she mumbled sheepishly, for she was afraid of his reaction

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.
Forbidden Passion (Alan Rickman FF) ENGLISH VERSIONNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ