Chapter 35- The Blind Wedding

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It's time for Prisma and Ominis's wedding. Prisma is nervous to see everyone looking at her, so she decides to take off her glasses. Hence why the chapter is aptly named the blind wedding ;)

I always feel like I'm so bad at writing wedding chapters aaaahhh! But I like this one a lot. I did a ton of research for Catholic weddings so I hope I described it well. There's a surprise at the end, too... ;)

The church was one of the most beautiful buildings I had ever seen. Over three stories high built of white stone and twisting candlelight sconces, it looked like something straight from heaven. The stained glass windows depicted Catholic imagery of Jesus, Saints, and the Virgin Mary. Wizards were not typically religious, but some, especially the rich ones, identified with a religion in order to blend in with Muggle society. The Gaunts were Catholic. Even the priest here today was a wizard priest.

I found myself in a staring contest with a statue of the Virgin Mary. I was not religious, and yet I said a silent prayer that she does not come to life and start murdering people at my wedding today.

I forced myself to take calming breaths as I stood alone in the hallway waiting for my entrance cue. Ominis was already out in the ceremony hall, along with my sisters and friends. I was supposed to be listening for the synchronous singing of "Gloria" for my entrance, but the wind was pelting the side of the church with thunderous rain, making it difficult to hear.

I began to worry that I had already missed my entrance. And if I somehow managed to be on time, I was going to stand in the wrong spot, or say the wrong words. Even if I didn't make any mistakes at all today, we may still be attacked. It all felt hopeless.

"Whoa. You look tense."

While I had been pacing back and forth contemplating my doom, Sebastian had appeared in the hall.

I couldn't believe that he was bothering me now of all times. "What are you doing?" I began pushing him away with my bouquet of white flowers. "I'm about to walk down the aisle!"

"I know," he gave me one of his infamous handsome smirks. "I'm coming with you."

My mouth quivered with a smile. "What? You-"
"Ominis's orders. Don't argue. Or you'll be late to your own wedding." He extended the crook of his elbow.

I laced my arm through his. Instantly, I felt better. "I wish my parents were here," I found myself saying, for no reason in particular. "They're trapped in a blizzard. They won't get to see me get married."

Sebastian looked at me. "If it makes you feel better, Ominis won't get to see it, either. And everyone could all be killed, too, so then none of us will get to see it."

I knew that Sebastian was trying to lighten the mood, and in a way it worked. But it also made me realize I was thinking too much of all the negatives. Today was meant to be a happy day. I certainly felt happy to be marrying Ominis. I wanted to focus more on that feeling, and less on everything else.

I took off my glasses and handed them to Sebastian. "Hold on to these for me."

Sebastian tucked my glasses somewhere in his suit jacket; I couldn't tell where, it was all so blurry. I couldn't even see my own feet.

"I'm really going to need you right now," I said to Sebastian, meaning every word.

He held tighter to my arm. "I've got you."

Right on cue with the beginning of "Gloria", the doors opened, and Sebastian and I stepped forward with our arms interlinked.

I saw colorful circles that must have been the guests' heads turning as we entered. The whole church was singing. In the chorus I picked out the sound of my sisters' voices, the voices of Natty, Samantha and Quinn; even the booming voice of Headmaster Black, and the trill of Professor Weasley, along with a dozen others.

"You've got a lot of fuckin' people here, Pris," Sebastian whispered in my ear. "Did you invite the whole school?"

I was glad then that I chose to not wear my glasses. If I had been able to see all the people looking at me I no doubt would have been a shaky mess. But right now, I didn't mind the spotlight. Sebastian helped me up the aisle without any problem at all.

When we arrived, he kissed my cheek and took his spot behind Ominis. I felt someone- Natty, my maid of honor- take the bouquet from my hands.

I was lost for a moment before I finally found Ominis. We joined hands as everyone continued the song. While we waited for the singing to stop, Ominis's palm touched my cheek.

"You're not wearing glasses." He sounded shocked, and a little amused.

"Yes- it's actually helping me remain calm right now." I admitted with a smile.

"Well it's good to not-see you."

"It's good to not-see you too."

The song ended, and the ceremony began. The priest read from the Bible for what felt like forever, then after that was done we began another song. It was all so scheduled and methodical, like one really long spell.

I could only imagine how impatient the guests were becoming after more passages were read, and there was yet another song followed by a sermon. I heard Sebastian yawn a few times. I think Natty had to kick him to keep him awake.

Other than the extreme boredom everything was going well. Surprisingly well. Suspiciously well.

The priest began to ask us a series of questions. "Have you come here freely and without reservation to give yourself to each other in marriage?"

Ominis waited for me to answer first. "I have," I replied.

"I have," Ominis agreed.

"Will you honor each other as man and wife for the rest of your lives?"

"I will." We both said.

"Will you accept children lovingly from God?"

My heart was pounding in my chest. "I will," I said. Ominis said the same.

After promising to take each other as husband and wife for the rest of our lives and have lots and lots of babies, It was time for the wedding vows. I went first. Then it was Ominis's turn.

The priest told him to repeat. "I, Ominis Keelan Gaunt-"

Ominis raised a gloved hand. "I know what to say. Thank you." I heard Sebastian snort.

"I, Ominis Keelan Gaunt, take thee, Prisma Elaina St. Cloud, to be my wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life."

I felt my eyes swell with tears. I blinked them back. When he said those words, although they were rehearsed, and written by someone else, Ominis said it like he meant it with all his heart.

"The rings."

Sebastian handed the priest the rings. After we exchanged rings, it would be time for the kiss, and then we would be declared husband and wife. I was ready for it.

But before the rings even came out of the box, a strange sound caught my attention. It sounded like thunder from the storm- and yet I knew it wasn't.

The whole church was silent.

Another rumbling sound came but this time it was much closer. The ground shook. A few people murmured, and some even stood up.

I realized then that I needed to see what was going on. "Sebastian, give me my-"

Ominis covered me with his body just as a shattering boom made everything explode.

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