Aval - Manimegalai

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'Vanthiyadevare-' She couldn't able to finish the sentence.

'Manimegali! Mani' Vandiyadevan's voice goes down as her dizziness got more. She took a big breathe and her vision returns to normal but before her stood her brother who is shouting her name with panic in his voice.

'Manimegali! Where have you been? We were searching for you all day. Oh, Mani!' Kandamabaran cried and lifted his little sister and ran back to the Palace. He knows he is also part of the reason why his sister feeling now. If he hadn't mentioned Vandiyadevan back then or did not made her separate from him and not sought marriage for her with some other prince maybe his sister would be happy now and married to his once best friend.

As the raja Vaithiyar examined and Mani shook his head at the Prince and his father they know there is nothing more they can do but pray and hope.

Kandamaran shook his head and wrote a letter to his ex-best friend, hoping that he would receive this sooner and make his way here for one last time. He knows that Vandiyadevan doesn't owe anything to him and his sister but as a brother he wanted his sister to have at least one last wish to come true. He heard her murmuring for Vandiyadevan while he went in search of her. At that moment he knew only Vandiyadevan can cure or give his sister the last love.

Next day

Vandiyadevan is currently riding his horse at full speed, as he received a letter from his frine dKandamaran, asking him to visit more like pleading. He can able to sense terror in his words and with the mention of his sister Manimegalai, he knew that he had to visit. Although he had only seen his sister a couple of times and didn't interact with her often the time when she is ready to accept the penalty to save him before the court he knew that this girl is more than anything. Even though he couldn't reciprocate the feeling Manimegalai have for him, he really have her at a high place in his heart. Unfortunately, his heart is only reserved for his Ilaya Pirattiyar, since the time they met he knew that's who is heart wants.

And he knew that Manimegali deserved someone who is not only a warrior but a loveable one who can give the world to that innocent golden flower of Kadambur. But nothing prepared him for the sight he thought he would witness as he reached the room where Manimegali is currently, Kandamaran's eyes held sadness and many emotions.

A weak footstep was heard as he went inside the room, with the pair of tired eyes and sunken cheeks stood the once bubbly and always smiling Mani he knew. Tears fell down from his eyes as he took in the state of the Kadambur flower now standing before him, is this his dream? he wished to be and hoped that Manimegalai is healthy and thriving in her home. But life is not fair and this is the reality.

With a small smile on her dried and pale lips, Mani limped forward, She couldn't able to contain her excitement, and her heart is filled with joy. Finally, he is here and this time is for real, As her heart started to slow down, she went faster and her legs gave up and started to fall down. But the angel before her caught just before her body hits the ground.

She wanted to say so much but her voice couldn't able to get it out. She smiled a teary smile to which Vandiyadevan cried seeing her in this state. He can see she is struggling to get her words as he combed her hair with his hand and lightly pressed a kiss on her forehead. At that moment Mani know this is it, her last moment and her wish is finally over she nodded at him and he nodded as well without fully knowing what is in her mind. With one last breath, she went into a sleep state from which she will never wake up. With a heart-wrenching sound, Vandiyadevan cried, hugging the once bubbly and cheerful girl he know now laying lifeless in his arm.

Nobody knows that a warrior like him is capable to cry like this and he did, even though he fully doesn't know why but his heart what to cry it out.

Later that night

Kandamaran asked Vandiyadevan to stay as they finished the final rituals of Manimegalai. They offered him a room to stay for the night and travel tomorrow, the least they could do.

With tear-stained cheeks Vandiyadevan laid on the bed, He could still feel the weight of Mani in his arm, Oh what he is gonna do? How he is gonna able to come out of it, sleep took over him and his breathing becomes steady and slow.

Pair of eyes watching over him, one the soul of the beautiful flower who just passed away and another one is the once crown prince 'Aditha Karikalan'. Both of them loved this man, to one he is the love of their life, to another this is the one who saved his life on many occasions and was a brother to him. Their wandering souls made a stop to visit the person who is very important to them

'Why did you love him' Aditha asked her.

'How can I not! It's him! It's always him!' Her voice held sadness and many emotions.

'Would you change things if you have been given a second chance?' The question made her look at her love who is currently sleeping and dried tear marks are now adorning his cheeks

'No, I won't. Cause I know I love him and for that, I can't make him lose his love. I want him to be loved as I would love him' Her words expressed her innocence and her love towards Vandiyadevan who didn't reciprocate the same feeling.

As she turned and looked at the person who question her and smiled. 'Would you?' Her question made Aditha stop thinking.

'What would I?' asked Aditha, hoping to see what she is implying.

'Would you change things if you had been given a second chance, for your love?' She asked smiling sadly,

With deep breaths, Aditha replied closing his eyes and smiling sadly 'I would' he answered.

He is imagining his life with his Nandhini if he could able to change the things he did if given a chance.

She smiled and softly caressed Vandiyadevan's hair, all he felt is the air moving his hair.

From that day onwards it is Mani who guarded him and everyone important to him, she is his secret angel who looked after him, as he lived his life with Kundavai and started a family of his own. She played with their child and waited for him to enter the afterlife. She knew that her life purpose is to be with him and by him. After all, he is hers, as much as she is his, even though the world says otherwise.

Aval - is his heart string that connects his life.

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