Pulled Back Together

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Pulled back together

It's been 2 years since Jake and I broke up. We tried to make it work but having a relationship with a hacker that's wanted by the government at some point it's going to fall apart. I've never really gotten over him. No amount of dating can ever replace the hole in my heart. I've never stopped loving him even if he does move on or maybe he already is and he's with someone that makes me happy. More than I ever could. Lilly has set me up on yet another date tonight this time it's someone that she works with. He's been single for a while and wants to get back out on the dating scene again. My heart is not even on this date all I want is to be with Jake but yet that can not happen. We did break up on sort of good terms. He told me I could contact him anytime and he will always reply.

I pull my phone out and start to type a message to Jake. I think about it before I hit the send button. I hold back and delete what I've written. I don't want to bother him. I find myself standing in front of my bedroom mirror trying to find something to wear for this date. I picked out a dress that I haven't worn in a long time. I hold it up to my body and close my eyes. Thinking back to when Jake would wrap his arms around me when I wore this dress. It always drove him insane. We never did get anywhere when I wore this dress. It was a simple tight black pencil dress with sparkles all over the dress. I hang up the dress and go to shower.

I head into the bathroom and switch the shower on getting undressed while I wait for the water to get hotter. Once it's at the temperature I like I get in and let the water wash over me. I stood under the water that long I didn't notice it had started to get cold. I quickly wash my hair and use some shower gel so I can wash. Once I've finished I get out and wrap a towel around me and head into the kitchen to make a coffee. While I'm waiting I grab some fresh sweatpants and an oversized hoodie and put them on. I make a coffee and take it into the bedroom and start drying my hair. While I'm getting ready my thoughts drift back to Jake. I can still smell his scent on the hoodie even though it's been washed. It's like his scent has been imprinted onto the hoodie. A warm smile spreads across my face as I think about him.

I notice the time and realize I need to get a move on otherwise I'll end up being late not that I was all that bothered. I didn't even want to go on this stupid date. Yet I find myself rushing around my bedroom looking for my favorite pair of heels. Once I finally find them it's time for me to leave and head out to the restaurant. I fix my hair one last time in the mirror and grab my purse and car keys. Thankfully the restaurant isn't too far away. When I look up I notice it's the black swan, the place where me and Jake had our second anniversary of being together. I take a deep breath in and out to recenter myself and head inside the restaurant.

The waiter shows me to the table where my date is already waiting, "hi I'm Mike it's really nice to meet you" I fake smile and sit down in front of him. "I'm MC I'm sure lilly has told you loads about me already. As Mike's talking I start to zone out not taking any notice of what he's droning on about. I happen to look up and my mouth drops open. The next table I see Jake sitting with some blonde haired women laughing and joking. My heart feels like it's breaking into a million pieces all over again. I can't let him see me. I don't think I could face seeing him. He always knew when I wasn't okay. I don't know how he did it; he always got it out of me. I try distracting myself with whatever Mike is talking about pretending to fane interest in whatever topic he's talking about.

Mercifully our food arrives and I can focus on something else other than Jake, I've missed him so much he looks so cute all dressed up he always did look good in a shirt and trousers outfit. Somehow I managed to make it through dinner and part ways with Mike. He asked if he could see me again like an idiot. I told him to phone me in the week to set up another date. I took my keys out of my purse and unlocked the car before I could get in. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I knew that touch before I even saw his face. I turn around and I'm met by his beautiful ocean blue eyes. For a second I forgot how to speak. I got so lost in his eyes. "Hi MC, it's been a long time, how are you?" I try to regain control so I can answer him back. "Hi Jake, I'm okay, how are you?" I see that beautiful smile appear on his face. How I have missed that smile.

"You don't have to pretend with me MC I couldn't keep my eyes off you either I've missed you alot" my mouth drops open how does he always know he always knows what I'm thinking and what I want to do. "I've missed you Jake but you were the one that decided to end things between us" Jake's smile starts to fade away. "It's something I have regretted every single day. I should never have ended things with you. I love you MC" my whole body feels like it's frozen in time the words Jake's run through my head does he really want me back? Should I let myself be with him again? "I want nothing more than to wrap my arms around you and tell you how much I still love you but you hurt me Jake" I feel Jake's hand running up and down my arm goosebumps running all over my body. I can feel the electric building up inside me fighting to hold myself back but I can't.

My arms wrap around his neck and I kiss him deep on the lips, it's like electric cursing through our bodies. We both break apart not because we wanted to but because we need to catch our breath. "I've missed you so much Jake, I never stopped loving you. Do you really want to give us another go?" I could feel Jake's thumb running softly over my cheek and smiling. "I'd love to give us another go. I never want us to be apart ever again, I've got something for you I was going to come and see you tonight but I want to give it to you now" I look in confusion as Jake puts his hand into his pocket. "Jake what are you doing?" Jake gets down on one knee and opens up a box. "MC will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" I'm taken back by what Jake has just asked I never thought in a million years this would ever happen this is the reason why we broke up in the first place.

"But.. I thought you didn't want to get married, that's why we broke up" I look into Jake's eyes and I can see he means every word. "MC, when we broke up it was the worst decision I've ever made but at the same time I wanted you to be happy and find someone you love and get married. The more I thought about you I realized I made a big mistake. I love you and I want to be with you" I don't know what to say it's like I've lost the ability to talk. I managed to get out the words I've been wanting to say for so long. "Yes, Jake I will marry you" Jake stands up and puts the rock onto my finger. We embrace each other in a heated kiss. It's like we have never been apart from each other. We pull apart again trying to catch our breath.

"Jake, did you know I would be here tonight?" Jake smiles and looks into my eyes "I didn't know you would be here, Lily set me up on another date" I looked in shock at Jake when I realized what Lily had done. "Jake, I think we have been set up, lily set me up on a blind date as well" we both look at each other and start to laugh. "Should we go spend the rest of our lives together and be bus and wife?" I can't help but smile. I've not smiled like this in so long. "Take me home Jake let's go spend the rest of our lives together" we both get into my car and drive back to my apartment.

The next morning I wake up with the biggest smile on my face, I turn over in bed and see that Jake is still sleeping. He looks so beautiful laying there with his eyes closed I can't help myself. I lean forwards and kiss his soft lips. I can't stop at just one kiss. I can feel him starting to wake up and a smile spreading across his face. "Good morning my beautiful wife to be" I warm feeling spreads across my body. "Good morning my handsome husband to be" we cuddle up next to each other holding each other as close as possible ready to take on what life has to throw at us.

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