Watermelon Misshap

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Watermelon mishap

MC and Jake were on their way to the grocery store to stock up on a few things when they arrived Jake grabbed a shopping cart and made their way inside. They went from aisle to aisle putting things on the cart that they needed some they didn't but when Jake looked at MC with his ocean blue eyes she couldn't say no to him. "Jake, do we really need that many energy drinks?" Jake put the last few he had on his hand and looked up towards MC. "I need all these I've got a very important project coming up"

MC shook her head and carried on with her shopping, they went down the coffee aisle and MC stocked up on some much needed coffee, her favorite drink of the day.  When MC turned around Jake had gone "where has he gone this time?" When MC turned the corner she saw Jake near the fruit looking at all the different types. When she got closer she saw him pick up two watermelons, putting them in front of his chest and shaking his butt. "What the hell are you doing?" MCs voice startled Jake nearly dropping one of the watermelons luckily he managed to save it from dropping on the floor. "See I caught it" with a smile on his face he started to wiggle his butt again.

MC standing watching Jake she started to giggle. He looked so cute standing there as Jake was dancing when one of the watermelons slipped out of his hand and fell onto the floor. One side of the watermelon was empty so Jake decided to pick it up and put it on his head. "Look MC look at my new style of hat" Jake started to run about the store making siren noises going up to shoppers and making them jump.

All eyes were on Jake as MC stood watching horrified at what he was doing, she couldn't help a giggle escape her lips as she watched on as Jake ran about the store. Security guards came out of their office to try and catch Jake but with no luck. "Sir get down from there right now" Jake was standing on top of a display stand "catch me if you can, you can't take me alive" Jake stuck his tongue out and jumped down from the display and ran off in the other direction.

MC at this point couldn't look at what was going on. Everyone in the store was pointing and laughing. One of the customers shouted to Jake "don't let them take you alive" Jake loaded oranges into his pockets grabbing a bunch of grapes as he jumped onto a shelf he could see the security guards coming towards him. He fired his first grape hitting one of them between the eyes "ouch you're gonna pay for that you little punk" Jake couldn't hold back his laughter he pulled out an orange and threw it at the other security guard. "You little fucker!! I'm going to get you for that" as the guard swung at Jake he managed to dodge the hit.

Jake kept this up for almost an hour when the security guards finally found him sleeping on top of the cauliflower and broccoli they picked him up and took him over to MC. "Mrs does he belong to you" MCs face started to turn a little red. "Yes he belongs to me" they handed Jake over and put him in the cart where he was still sound asleep. "Next time Mrs please leave him at home this is the 5th time in two weeks he's done this" MC nodded and pushed her cart towards the exit of the grocery store.

MC got to the car and loaded what shopping she was able to get before being told to leave the store. Jake started to wake up looking up towards MC. "Did we win the battle?"  MC couldn't help herself, a smile spread across her face. "Yes Jake you won the battle, this does have to stop, they will ban you from going in if you keep this up" Jake just lay there with a big grin on his face.

MC helped Jake get out of the cart and got him in the car, before they left Jake had one more orange in his pocket he opened the car door and rolled it along the ground as hard as he could. The automatic doors opened and the orange hot a display of tinned fruit knocking a tin out from the display the whole display started to wobble. As they started to drive away all they could hear was the sound of tins crashing to the ground and rolling out onto the street.

"That's it next time I'm going grocery shopping on my own" MC turned to look at an amused Jake grinning. "Next time I'll leave the oranges alone I promise" Jake looked at MC with his bright blue eyes. "Fine! You can come next time" Jake threw his hands up in celebration and started to sing at the top of his voice.

MC just shook her head but she couldn't help a small grin creep up on his face, she looked over at Jake seeing how happy he was her heart melted as he sat there singing along to the radio.

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