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"Four!" Niall yells before hitting the guys head with the gold club. Pretending to look for it in the distance of the bloody mess he'd made.

"I'm getting good at this. Maybe I should play golf. Leave you fuckers behind and become a world champion."

"Do it. See how far you get before some rich idiot comes drunk and disorderly with his big head and then you go full on Jason on that bitch." Liam talks so much.

But there's nothing in it. He just talks.

Says words.

Like he's absently looking through a dictionary and just checking off words he likes.

"Right, yeah no that's right. You're right. How's the whole thing with Harry going?" It's like he wanted to die. "Don't ask him. I swear the amount of people he's killed in the past week is absurd. It's getting annoying."

"Why won't you just kill him?" Liam laughs. "He's become attached. Haven't you Tommo? Admit it, you like his company."

"He is kinda funny though." Niall mumbled. "So is me sticking your fucking head in a fucking meat grinder. Keep talking and we'll see how fucking funny everything is."

"Why don't you just go and talk-" I scream. "No I'm just saying maybe-"

"What do you not understand about, ahh!? What doesn't compute? I'm not talking to him! End of fucking story!" Liam sighs. "No! Stop doing that! I'm not talking to him!"

"Louis. He's gone."

"Also I'm not keeping him because I like him. I'm keeping him because he has a new favourite. Sent out sixteen guy for him. I'm keeping him in spite." Liam scoffs. "Really?"

"An eye for an eye is the principal of purpose, in the hands of doubt and in the hands of its fear, what is it then? Mine."

Snatching the bat from her hand I run my fingers over the smooth wood. "So pretty."

I could see him from here. "Come back, the guards miss you my love." I roll my eyes. "I really don't miss this. How do you escape every time? Do I have to stitch the rope into your, fucking hands! You're pissing me off!"

"Why don't you just let me go? All you've done all week is kill other people. For the love of fuck just let me go." I brush my finger under his chin.

"Oh come on baby. I know you enjoy the chase. Admit it. Why do you keep trying to escape? What is out there that's so important?" I squint at him. Dragging him back by his ears. "I'm gonna start locking this door now."

"Ow— come on you know I have sensitive ears." Throwing him back into the room. "I don't get it. Why don't you like it here? I feed you, I'm so nice to you. You have free health care. You don't have to look at his ugly mug everyday either. I swear he's like 90 thousand years old or something. That face could kill the plague doctors in a second- why don't you like me?!"

"Every time I do something wrong you threaten my sisters life!" I shrug. Blowing out a raspberry. "Shame."

He tackles me to the floor grabbing my wrists pushing them above my head. "Louis she is all I fucking have left. If I don't get her back then I have nothing. You know where she is."

"I don't even know who she is mate you've got no chance of me knowing where the fuck she is. Maybe give me back my kid and I'll help."

"You won't help. You've got no fucking love for anything, I swear I'm starting to see why they took her away from you." You could knock on my head and find nothing.

I felt empty and sick. "Get out." I push him away, standing up. "What?"

"I don't want you in here anymore. Leave," I push him back. "Get the fuck out before I kill you!" My god am I glad everybody left.

I locked all the doors hiding in the corner, my eyes stinging trying to figure out why the fuck I just did that. "Fuck!"

I'd hit everything in sight. I wasn't even sure the place was liveable anymore.

The banister, I'd knocked every single piece out, I remembered I had someone still stuck in the basement. Smiling at my luck before making my way down.

Staring at him from the top of the stairs. "I'm baaack." I drag him up the stairs and into Harry's seat. "I'm afraid you've got no way out. There's actually no words that you could give me that would make me keep you."

I brush my finger under his chin, quickly stepping back.

My breathing getting heavier, knocking him to the floor and just blacking out completely. Next thing I knew I was in my living room.

Staring at the small Polaroid picture I slowly start to pull myself back together. "Shit."

I can't get what I needed without Harry. I had him because I needed something. "Fuck!" I was hoping I remembered the way.

If not then I'm screwed.

Kicking the door open I watch the guns point to my head. "Just came here to get back what is mine. Sort of."

I make my way through the lobby dragging the bat behind me. "Harry.." I drag out, making my way towards the devils office. Kicking his door open. "Day drinking? New name same old bitch."

"Louis. Haven't seen you in years. I was hoping to keep it that way." I point my bat behind three door. "I know you're there my love. Come on." I could hear him breathing.

"Don't make me fucking grab you." I spat through my teeth. "Louis you're not taking him." God I hated him. "Where is he?"

"Harry? No idea." I slam the door shut turning to find him leaning against the wall. "Found you. Where is he Jace?"

"Who?" I step closer. "Where the fuck is he?" The door opens again. I look up at the window seeing his reflection. "Louis." He had such a deep voice it was annoying. "I didn't let him in."

"Nobody ever fucking let's him in. Harry. You okay?" I heave a little. Turning around. "He's not going back. I'll have them shoot you."

I lean back against the desk. "Nice to see you too dad," Pushing myself up walking past his little boy band. "Come on Harry."

"He's not going with you." I'm not leaving without him. "Yes he is."

Love&Affection | Larry Stylinson Where stories live. Discover now