Chapter 32- S2/E13 "Daddy Issues"

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Maddi's Pov.

"Good morning  Maddison."

I internally groan and plaster on a fake smile, "Shut up, John." He rolls his eyes as he turns back to his plate. I walk into the kitchen and pull the apple juice out of the fridge. The sound of my heels on the hardwood floor echoed like nails in a coffin... I wish I were nailing his coffin shut.

"You know, Maddison... maybe if you smiled more and kept your mouth shut, your siblings would actually stay at home." I freeze, juice still filling my cup. I take a deep breath and sit the bottle down.

"You know what John... you're sooo right!" I turn to face him with a polite smile before carefully pulling off one of my heels and jumping at him. I tackle him off the stool and onto the floor. I repeatedly bash my shoe over his head. I'm vaguely aware of the sound of footsteps behind me before hands grab me off, John. "There John! I smiled and shut my mouth!"

After another deep breath, I pick up my cup and flip John off. I hear him choke slightly on his food at my vulgar display. "Aunt Jenna! Elijah! Let's go!" I hear a noise of recognition from Jen, and Elijah is quickly by my side.

Timeskip is brought to you by Maddison's vivid daydreams of attacking John. (Stefan chickened out and isn't wearing a dress, the group is okay with it because friends don't force friends to embarrass themselves.)

Elijah, Jenna, and I meet Alaric at the school after the court session. I was officially emancipated, so now all of Dad's properties were in my name. "So, what's it like being a legal adult, Maddi?"

"Well, considering that I still have to go to high school and live at home with my family- not very different. I mean, it feels good that I'll now get to throw John out but... overall? Meh."

Jenna snorts in amusement, "Only you could feel so indifferent about something so life-altering."

I sigh and bite my lip, "Honestly, I've been expecting this to happen since I had that vision of Mom and Dad's death. I don't mean anything by it, Aunt Jenna," I reassure her after seeing the her face fall. "I just knew the way John would react, he's always hated me and he likes being in control, something I refuse to let him have." She nods in understanding.

Elijah lays a hand on my own, "You are incredible, Elskan." I smile at him, appreciating his kind words.

Alaric clears his throat, "So, does anyone know what's going on between Elena and Stefan?"

I furrow my brows, "What?"

"He kept trying to talk to her and she just ignored him and Bonnie and Caroline were glaring at him." He frowned a little, "Also, I'm pretty sure Elena rode to school with Damon and Bonnie."

"Huh," I stand up and tug on my sweatshirt, thankfully I had changed already. "I don't know, but I'm gonna find out." I march out of Alaric's classroom and make my way to the cafeteria. Stepping through the double doors, a few people turn to look before going back to their conversations. I spot Elena, Bonnie, Caroline, and Jeremy. "Hey!" I call out, walking towards them, "Sister talk, now." I grab Elena and drag her out the cafeteria, aware and uncaring of the whispers. Once in the nearest cafeteria, "What's going on?"

Elena sighs, "I'll tell you but you're not goig to like it," I give her a confused look but motion for her to continue. "Stefan is the reason John showed up."

My eyebrows raise with a 'is this bitch serious,' look, "He what?" I can hear the disbelief in my own voice, almost like I've just witnessed a car crash. "oh, he's dead," I laugh a bit psychotically, "So damn dead." I turn on my heel to storm out but Elena grabs me, nervously biting my lip.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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