Chapter Twenty-Eight - The Corridor to Nowhere

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At last, it seemed Carmen's wish had been granted. Jonathan had summoned a reconvene of their group in his office after curfew. This had happened several times and was usually an occasion for everyone to grumble about how nobody was getting anything done and then proceed, with great efficiency, to get nothing done. This time, though, there had been an edge in Jonathan's voice when he gave the order.

"We've found a door," he announced, the instant the room was filled.

"You've what?" Miriam shrieked.

Sandy spat his coffee all over his lap. "You have?!"

"A door to where?" Carmen asked, shrewdly. "Are we getting excited about a gateway to another world or about a broom cupboard?"

"It leads to a corridor," Puck spoke up. "And we haven't found it in real life. Only on plans."

"So we're getting excited about nothing," Sandy slumped again. "Pity."

"Where does the corridor lead?" Miriam asked, curiously. "On the plans, anyway?" "Nowhere," Puck explained. "That's the point. It just stops. I can't find anything about it."

"It leads to the next level."

Carmen nearly jumped out of her skin as the door opened and Natalia stood framed in the entrance, one eyebrow raised, an expression on her face so perfectly calculated to make all viewers realise the stupidity of their infantile behaviour that Carmen had flashbacks to her schooldays. The conspirators stared at her, frozen, mouths open, locked in panic.

"Someone forgot," Natalia said, dryly, "that I still have their master key. Jonathan?"

Jonathan's face was bright red, his eyes wild with panic. "Uh..."

Natalia laughed as she turned and locked the door behind her, swinging round to face them again.

"You're an idiot," she announced. "You all are. You think nobody's noticed how suspiciously you've been acting? I certainly have."

"Let us explain!" Jonathan burst out. "You have to let me explain! It's not what you think! Natalia, don't report us! Please!"

Natalia looked affronted. "Excuse me? Who said anything about reporting you? I might ask for a chair, though."

Jonathan leapt to his feet to give her one and Natalia sat down gratefully, flashing him such an easy smile that Carmen made a mental note of it for future examination.

"Listen to me, you silly...silly children!" Natalia shook her head, half-laughing. "I don't know what game you think you're playing but you're better than this. All of you. In this place, there's always someone watching."

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