But what was weird was the man not sitting beside her throughout the ride, rather, he drove the car himself. In a time of a kidnapping there would always be at least 2 people on it, one a driver and the other would stay close to the target. Not this one though. After slamming the door in her face, Y/n could hear him walking around the car until she heard the driver's door open.
Muffled crys were heard on the back, but the driver didn't speak a word. Y/n tried all through the ride, moving back and forth, just for something to happen. But nothing! Her anxiety had more success than anything she tried to do.
She was a mess, a crying mess. Her panic was eating her alive. What would happen to her, when the car finally stopped?
The lump on her throat was painful. It started to get harder for her to breathe with all the tears running down like waterfalls, and with her lump that was blocking her epiglottis making it harder to get oxygen down her system.
Her sobs were the only type of sound inside the car apart from the bumpy road they were on. But that made it worse; first she can't see a thing and now that she can only hears herself when she knows that she isn't alone, is cracking her little by little. What if someone is staring at me and i'm not aware? What if there are more than 1 person? What if someone is taking polaroids of me? What if...what if...what...if?
Her mind was like google, it couldn't stop producing questions only that the answers were no where to be found.

Then the car stopped. But the man didn't move. For a solid minute he stayed there, no movements whatsoever. No movements, no voices . Or was she not able to hear them. Did Y/n's ears stopped receiving vocal signals or was the man just staring at her now? 
She was sitting with her arms wrapped around her leg with her head buried on her knees to feel safer, or to try at least. Because the whole bag inside was messed up with tears, buring her face in her knees didn't feel that comforting however she couldn't care less in this situation. Y/n was in need of just a hug, and this was the only thing close to it, in order to obtain herself from having another panic attack episode.

  Eventually he opened the door to get out. As the sound of it closing entered her ear, that was the cue for her to get on her back and give the strongest bunny kick to one the passengers windows. It was more possible for them to break rather then staying back waiting for the worst. She didn't hear any cracks from the window but only heavy steps from outside, which were getting louder and closer on every kick she gave. Click. The sound she never wanted to hear finally met her ear. This was it. His slender hands grabbed her back and legs. And in a bridal position lifted her up carefully as he was getting her out of the car. The whole getting-Y/n-carefully-out-of-the-car didn't last long, when her head was met with the hard door frame.
She flinched. It didn't occur to her that he'd ever say that word, in this kind of situation at least. Although, something did stand out from his voice. Why was it so, familiar?

The man preceded to walk somewhere after closing the passager door behind them and never did he lay her down after that. Y/n's energy was already drained, even though in that position she has a better chance of breaking out of his grip, her body had given up.

Eventually, the romantic walk had come to an end, as she felt her body being sunk and sat in a rather clothy area. From the wind that was blowing, she knew they were still outside, somewhere, maybe waiting for someone to make an exchange. However as she got layed down, at that second she felt a presence behind her hardly aware body. Y/n suddenly felt a cold touch on her leg, but to her surprise he was cutting the tape, nothing inappropriate. After her legs, came her hands. She flinched again at the cold touch, and could feel the guy shaking after. He was laughing at her because of it.

Despite her getting freed, Y/n still couldn't move much, as the numbness had taken over. He on the other hand, waited again, looking at her. She couldn't bare the wait nor the piercing gaze she felt on the back of her neck, so she took the bag off her head herself. His reflexes weren't fast enough to stop her, and as she took that heated bag off of her, she turned around to see the man. Their eyes met.

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