27. National Anthem

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"Red, white, blue is in the sky. Summer's in the air, baby heaven's in your eyes."

"What about this one?" Peyton asked holding up a navy blue crop top with polka dots.

"That's so cute! You could wear it with some white shorts and some cute red sunglasses," I told her.

Peyton, Hannah, and I had decided to go shopping for the Fourth of July party that we were going to be having tonight. Since the rest of the cast and crew were finished up filming in Okinawa, they were to be coming over for the party too. We had gotten up early to shop so that we could get back and start making the food. I had picked out a red and white gingham mini dress.

After we finished shopping we headed to the store to pick up groceries and party essentials.

Throughout the past week everything had been really great with Tanner. We had sneaky dates every now and then. One day we had snuck out late at night and went stargazing, another day we went for breakfast again. It was nice getting to just to talk one on one and get to know each other more.

Once we had gotten through check out we went to the car. Peyton drove us back to the house where it looked like the guys weren't back yet from getting the fireworks they were so hyped about.

"What time is everyone coming over?" I asked Peyton.

"Around four or so," she responded.

It was noon now so plenty of time to get everything ready and take a shower. I started preparing the party food with the girls. Annalisa came down and joined us with the party prepping.

She had grabbed the portable speaker, "Anyone down for some music?" She asked.

"Can we listen to Lana Del Rey or Taylor Swift or something? Since the boys aren't around," I asked.

"Hell yeah," Annalisa nodded. "Any requests?"

"Cruel Summer!" I responded.

We sang and danced to a bunch of Taylor songs before putting on a playlist of Lana songs. I sang along to 'National Anthem' while preparing the chocolate chip cookies for the oven. Hannah started setting up the table that we'd have all the food on.

"What the hell is going on in here?!"

I was pulling out the cookies when I heard someone yell. We all looked towards the door and Jacob walked in and turned down the music a bit.

"We're having a girls party," I answered.

"No boys allowed," Peyton added.

"Well can the girls party help us bring some of the stuff to the backyard?" He asked.

We agreed and I put the pan down to cool and the next batch in. The rest of us followed Jacob out to where the group was unloading packages from the car.

"What the hell is all of this?" Annalisa said as we walked up to them.

Almost the entire trunk was filled with cases of fireworks and basically anything that could blow up.

"Are you expecting to host the entire towns' firework show?" Peyton asked.

"It's what we had in mind," Tanner nodded.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Oct 05, 2023 ⏰

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