My heart pounded in my chest as I grappled with the gravity of his words. My virgin power, my hidden potential, made me both a target and a valuable asset. But I refused to be a mere pawn in their twisted games.

"And what is your stand?" I challenged, mustering every ounce of courage within me to face him.

"Well, I serve another master," Parch revealed, his voice filled with a chilling certainty.

As the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place, a cold realization settled over me. I was trapped in a web of treachery, with Parch acting as the puppeteer, carrying out the orders of a hidden master. But I wouldn't let fear consume me. I would find a way to break free and reclaim control over my own destiny.

"What does your master want from me?" I demanded, my voice laced with defiance despite the fear that threatened to consume me.

Parch took a step closer, a sinister smile playing on his lips. "Oh, Selvy, you have something that our master desires," he replied, his voice filled with malevolence. "You possess a power that can tip the scales of our world, and we won't rest until it's under our control. It is not just your locked powers, but beyond Dalaysia ever known."

Dread washed over me as I realized the gravity of the situation. I was not just a captive; I was a pawn in a dangerous game orchestrated by those who sought to exploit my abilities. But I refused to be a helpless pawn.

"You won't succeed," I declared, my voice trembling but filled with determination. "I may be trapped now, but I won't let you use me for your twisted ambitions. I will find a way to escape, and I will fight against you until my last breath."

Parch's eyes narrowed, a flicker of anger crossing his face. "You underestimate our power," he hissed, his tone venomous. "But you will soon learn the extent of our reach. Resistance is futile."

Parch resumed his pacing, his intentions clear as he made his way towards the exit. But just as he was about to leave, he abruptly turned around, his eyes fixed on me. His voice carried a chilling warning as he delivered his final words.

"You will be meeting our master, which is why you are dressed in regal and elegant attire," Parch revealed, a hint of anticipation in his tone. "This place is siren-proof, my dear. Your scream holds little significance if you harbor any thoughts of escape."

With that unsettling statement, he left me alone in the luxurious room, a prisoner of confusion and uncertainty. The weight of my situation pressed upon me, and I couldn't help but feel trapped, like a pawn in a dangerous game. My mind raced with questions and fears, but amidst the chaos, a glimmer of determination ignited within me. I refused to succumb to despair. I would find a way to unravel the mysteries that surrounded me and break free from this sinister hold.

As time dragged on, my unease grew, and the room seemed to close in around me. I wondered what awaited me when I finally met this master, Baltras. The thought sent shivers down my spine, but I couldn't afford to cower in fear. I had to find strength within myself.

Suddenly, the door creaked open, and in walked a figure cloaked in darkness. His presence exuded power and malevolence, leaving no doubt that this was the infamous master he was talking about. I felt a surge of adrenaline mixed with dread as he approached, his eyes gleaming with a twisted ambition.

"So, this is the virgin mermaid, Selvyna," He spoke with a voice dripping with malice. "A prized possession with untapped potential."

I mustered up the courage to meet his gaze, despite the fear coursing through my veins. "What do you want from me?"

He approached, his eyes filled with a sinister gleam. "I seek to make a deal with the deity Fate of Esher. I will offer your life as an exchange, in return for more territories of water under my control."

✓ | The Borrowed Identity (Fate's Transgression Series, #4)Where stories live. Discover now