chapter eleven: blood pumping crazy

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ELLE AND MAGGIE FINALLY ARRIVED AT THEIR APARTMENT, their journey back feeling like an eternity as rain poured down on them, forcing them to trudge at a snail's pace. Elle was tempted to break into a run, but the disapproving face of the doctor echoed in her mind, a lingering reminder of their hospital conversation. Heeseung had agreed to meet her at her new place, a fact that both thrilled and made her nervous. After all, he had never set foot in this apartment before, only visiting her previous one when their paths were still intertwined.

Thankfully, their apartment boasted an underground parking lot, a hidden oasis for Heeseung to park his car unnoticed in their designated spot. But tonight, that empty space worked in their favor, as none of them owned a car. He could slip into the building unnoticed, whisked away by the elevator straight to the fifth floor. Most of the tenants were somehow connected to HYBE anyway, so Elle dismissed any concerns about nosy neighbors. Still, she couldn't help but worry about the logistics, keenly aware of Heeseung's reputation. The last thing she wanted was to be the catalyst for a scandal that could potentially tarnish him.

Soon after their arrival, a knock reverberated through the apartment, causing Elle's heart to skip a beat. She swung the door open to find a drenched Heeseung standing before her, his jacket dripping, raindrops cascading from his hair, teasingly veiling his eyes. Elle fought to conceal her overwhelming attraction to the sight before her, rendered momentarily speechless. Stepping aside, she granted him entry into the cozy abode, swiftly locking the door behind them. Just as she was about to inquire about the reason for his wet arrival, her eyes caught sight of a tiny creature resting on Heeseung's large palm, making the kitten appear minuscule in comparison.

"Oh my god!" Without hesitation, Elle closed the distance between them, gently plucking the kitten from Heeseung's hand. "He's drenched! We need to dry him off," she exclaimed, hastening towards her bedroom, Heeseung trailing behind. Handing the kitten back to him, she commenced a frantic search for her blow dryer, mentally cursing the likelihood of finding it in a more convenient spot. "Maggie!" she called out, standing up and heading toward her room. Eventually, she located the blow dryer in the usual spot where Maggie habitually left it after pilfering it without permission. Offering a half-hearted "Sorry," she shrugged her shoulders, rolling her eyes before returning to Heeseung.

Prior to drying the kitten, Elle decided it was necessary to give the poor thing a quick bath, recognizing that it was likely teeming with dirt and fleas. Together, Heeseung and Elle took turns meticulously drying the little furball. Unbeknownst to them, they had unwittingly stepped into Elle's private sanctuary, her inner sanctum, a realm never before graced by Heeseung's presence. Just as Heeseung was about to settle beside her on the bed, a sudden realization struck him—he was still dripping wet.

"Shit, sorry," Heeseung muttered, hastily rising to his feet before his damp bottom could defile her pristine bedsheets.

"Take off your clothes," Elle blurted out, instantly regretting the unintended implications of her words. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, a familiar shade of crimson spreading across her face. Heeseung's eyes widened, a flicker of amusement dancing within them as he observed the evident mortification etched upon her countenance. "I mean, I can dry them for you. You can even take a shower if you want," she hastily amended,

her voice laced with awkwardness. Heeseung nodded in agreement, retreating into the bathroom.

As he closed the bathroom door, Elle couldn't help but steal a glance at Heeseung's naked back, his supple muscles contracting gracefully as he shed his shirt, revealing his beautifully tanned skin. "Hey, you're drooling," Maggie materialized out of thin air, causing Elle to slam the bathroom door in sheer terror, inadvertently startling Heeseung in the process. Maggie cackled triumphantly, having achieved her desired effect. "Here, he can use this while you dry his clothes," she declared, thrusting a large navy blue shirt and a pair of roomy black joggers into Elle's hands. Elle raised an eyebrow, instantly recognizing the clothes' owner—the Cuban guy she had heard so many entertaining anecdotes about. Her lips formed a silent "O" as she recalled the stories, and Maggie, in response, slyly winked, seizing the kitten from Elle's arms and making her way to the living room, where she snuggled with the furry ball of cuteness on the couch.

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