chapter five: tangled emotions

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ELLE COLLAPSED ONTO THE PLUSH COUCH, her muscles aching from hours of dancing. She and Maggie had been rehearsing tirelessly, perfecting their couple dance routine for the highly anticipated collaboration with a famous k-pop group. Elle glanced at her reflection in the studio mirror, her eyes tired and her face flushed with exertion. Maggie sat down beside her, her expression a mix of concern and understanding. "You did great today, Elle. Hopefully, we'll start rehearsing with the boys next week."

A whole week had passed since the news broke that Elle and Maggie would be working alongside ENHYPEN. The anticipation of rehearsing with them had consumed Elle's thoughts, but it seemed like fate was playing a wicked game. The rescheduled rehearsals only fueled her nerves and made her yearn for the day this comeback would finally be behind her.

In the midst of this waiting game, Elle couldn't escape glimpses of Heeseung. Their paths would occasionally intersect in the hallways, or at company dinners where she strategically distanced herself and made swift exits. Even during casual encounters at the cafeteria or the coffee shop across the street, Elle found herself secretly observing Heeseung's familiar routine of ordering a java chip frappuccino and indulging in a chocolate chip cookie.

She shook her head, trying to push away these annoying details she had unwittingly accumulated about him. Each sighting of his presence stirred memories of the turbulent year she had endured. She was eternally grateful for his unwavering support, for being her pillar of strength during her darkest days. But lurking beneath her gratitude was a fear that perhaps his kindness was driven by pity. Did he help her simply because he felt sorry for her? The thought gnawed at her, fueling her desire to distance herself from him.

A voice shattered her thoughts, bringing her back to the reality of the studio. "Hey, you okay?" Maggie's concerned voice pierced through the silence.

Elle remained silent, nodding in response.

Maggie refused to let the matter slide. "Is this because you're going to see Heeseung?" she asked directly, her eyes searching Elle's face for answers. Elle's heart clenched at the mention of Heeseung's name. The silence spoke volumes, confirming her suspicion. "How long has it been since you had a proper conversation with him, Elle?"

Elle shrugged, hoping her lack of engagement would deter further probing. "Drop it, Maggie," she muttered, hoping to avoid the confrontation.

But Maggie was persistent, refusing to let Elle evade the truth. "No, I won't. You need to hear this," she asserted. "It's not fair how you've treated him after everything he's done for you. You ghosted him without any valid reason. It's as if you hold him responsible for something he didn't do. If anything, it should be him who doesn't want to see you again."

"I appreciate what he did for me, Maggie. But I can't stand the idea of him pitying me. I don't want him to think I'm weak or damaged."

Maggie's gaze softened with understanding. "Elle, you're so much stronger than you give yourself credit for. And Heeseung knows that too. He's never seen you as weak. He cares about you because he genuinely cares about you."

Elle knew deep down that Maggie had a point, but her defenses rose instinctively. "Why are you taking this so personally? It's not like he cared enough to reach out to me. He accepted my absence from his life so easily, probably because..."

Maggie interjected, her voice filled with determination. "Because what, Elle?"

"Because he didn't want me in his life either," Elle confessed, her voice laced with a tinge of sadness. "He knew it was the easiest thing to do—to let me fade away from his world. And you know it too."

The words hung heavy in the air as the truth unveiled itself. Elle had been shielding her heart, denying her feelings, not only out of fear but also because the complexities of being involved with someone as famous as Heeseung were overwhelming. She yearned for a simple connection, a genuine friendship, but the reality of their circumstances left her feeling powerless and hurt.

Her eyebrows furrowed in concern. "He's been nothing but supportive, Elle. I'm just saying... you should give the guy a chance. He genuinely cares about you."

As Elle pondered Maggie's words, she realized that she had been unfair to Heeseung, pushing him away with her cold demeanor. She had built walls to shield herself, never giving him a chance to prove that he truly cared. Perhaps it was time to confront her fears and give their friendship a chance to blossom.

The countdown to their performance with ENHYPEN continued, and Elle knew she couldn't let her unresolved emotions dictate her actions any longer. It was time to confront her own fears, to confront Heeseung.

She took a deep breath, letting go of her inhibitions and embracing the possibilities that lay ahead.

Elle, true to her diligent nature, was always the last to leave the studio, ensuring that everything was properly organized, and no loose ends were left behind. It was a habit born out of her motherly instincts. As she switched off the lights and prepared to make her exit, her heart skipped a beat as she collided with an unexpected obstacle.

Her body collided with a solid figure, causing a gasp to escape her lips. "I'm so sorry," she blurted out, her voice filled with genuine remorse, still not daring to look up.

A voice, deep and melodious, filled the air. "No, I'm sorry. I didn't think there was anyone in here," the stranger responded. Elle couldn't help but recognize his face, though a name eluded her at that moment. The familiarity was undeniable, a sense of having danced alongside him before, but her unreliable memory failed to provide the missing details. Deciding to let go of her curiosity, she pushed aside the confusion and recommitted herself to her original plan of leaving.

But then, he smiled. A smile that could light up the darkest corners of the room, revealing a row of teeth as dazzling as sunlight. His lips curved with an innate charm, offering a glimpse into the depths of his captivating personality. "I'm Theo, by the way," he introduced himself, his voice dripping with warmth.

Elle's heart skipped another beat, caught off guard by the magnetic presence before her. She took a moment to fully absorb his appearance. The undeniable charm he exuded, the way his features were meticulously sculpted, every line conveying strength and confidence. And those eyes—deep and soft, held a kindness that seemed incongruous with his powerful exterior. It was a potent combination that left her momentarily breathless.

Returning from her reverie, Elle mustered a smile of her own. "Nice to meet you, Theo. I'm Noelle, but you can call me Elle," she introduced herself, her voice laced with a mix of intrigue and anticipation. She couldn't deny the refreshing sight he presented, a welcome addition to the dance studio.

"Well, I'll be seeing you around, Elle," he said, flashing a playful wink that sent a jolt of electricity through her veins. With those parting words, their brief encounter came to an end, the first of many.

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