chapter four: fragile strength

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HE PROWLED TOWARDS ELLE, a palpable aura of malevolence emanating from him. The scent of his depravity reached her even before he neared, filling the air with a sickening stench that made her stomach churn.

She remained statuesque. Her body refused to betray her, refusing to yield to the primal instinct of fight or flight. Every muscle in her being tensed, like a predator waiting to strike, while her mind raced with indecision, trapped in the paralyzing grip of uncertainty.

His repugnant hands slithered like serpents, crawling up her trembling arms with a touch that sent shivers of revulsion down her spine. The warmth of his breath brushed against the delicate skin of her neck, a sickening gust that carried the stench of his vile intentions. A sickly mixture of fear and disgust mingled within her as his tongue darted out, a wicked serpent seeking to taste her vulnerability.

A guttural whimper of repulsion escaped her quivering lips, a raw manifestation of the intense disgust coursing through her veins. The sound carried the weight of her torment, a haunting melody that echoed in the darkness, revealing the depths of her anguish and the abuse she endured. His hand slithered down her back, tracing a path of unwanted familiarity all the way toward her bottom, tightly squeezing it.

"You're mine, get that through your head," he hissed, his voice dripping with sadistic pleasure. The words struck her like venomous daggers, piercing through the fragile armor of her resistance. A mixture of fear and despair welled up inside her, suffocating her voice and leaving only tears as a testament to her shattered spirit. Deep down, she loathed the truth that lingered in his vile declaration, for in her vulnerability and silence, she unwittingly became a pawn in his wicked dominion. As long as she remained paralyzed by terror, she belonged to him, a possession to be used and abused at his whims, trapped in a suffocating cycle of torment and degradation.

His hand ventured on an illicit exploration, gliding from one forbidden territory to another, approaching the lowest point of her front torso. Overwhelmed by repulse, a surge of strength coursed through Elle's veins, propelling her to push him away. In a swift retaliation, he unleashed a punishing slap across her cheek, leaving behind a fiery imprint. Undeterred, she persisted in her desperate bid to escape, but her efforts proved futile against his lightning-fast reflexes. His strong grip clamped around her delicate wrist, squeezing with a force that seared pain through her body, eliciting pained whimpers. Yet, fueled by a flicker of bravery, Elle summoned her resolve and delivered a fierce knee strike to his vulnerable region, temporarily incapacitating him and affording her precious moments to flee.

The dimly lit rehearsal room provided the backdrop for a scene of anguish and desperation. Elle, broken and vulnerable, escaped the clutches of her abuser, fleeing into the unknown corridors of her shattered dreams. Tears streamed down her face as she stumbled through the familiar terrain, her heart pounding with a mix of fear, anger, and sorrow.

In her fragile state, Elle collided with an unexpected presence—a tall figure whose solid frame offered an anchor amidst the chaos that consumed her. With her body devoid of strength, she crumbled to the floor, a sob escaping her lips. She had reached her breaking point, stripped of any remaining facade of resilience.

Through tear-filled eyes, she didn't even attempt to look up at the stranger before her. The weight of her pain and torment pressed upon her, overwhelming her senses. She yearned for someone, anyone, to offer solace, to envelop her in a reassuring embrace, and shield her from the malevolence that plagued her existence.

"Elle? What's wrong?" This familiar voice was laced with concern, his words reaching through the haze of her despair. Yet, Elle remained silent, unable to find the strength to respond. The question hung in the air, demanding an answer that seemed impossible to give.

Frustration tinged the man's voice as he persisted, his worry escalating with each passing moment. "Elle, what did he do to you? Tell me right now." His words cut through the heavy atmosphere, the weight of his knowledge pressing upon her already burdened soul.

Shame washed over her like a tidal wave, drowning her in its suffocating embrace. Weakness consumed her, leaving her feeling defenseless and exposed before him, who seemed to know her darkest secret. She couldn't bring herself to meet his gaze, fearing the judgment she anticipated.

Before he could act on his seething anger, Heeseung felt her tight grasp on his sweatshirt. Her voice, laced with desperation, pleaded with him, tugging at his core. "Hee, take me home... please." Her vulnerability, laid bare before him, shattered his anger and ignited a fierce protective instinct.

At that moment, Heeseung's clenched fists relaxed, and his gaze softened. With a renewed sense of purpose, he scooped Elle into his arms, her fragile frame almost weightless against his strength. Determination etched into his features, he carried her out of that wretched place, vowing to shield her from the horrors that had plagued her existence.

The journey to her apartment was filled with a profound silence. Heeseung's mind raced, a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts intertwining within him. Rage simmered beneath the surface, a burning desire to bring justice to the one who had caused Elle so much pain. Yet, he pushed aside those thoughts for now, focusing solely on the broken soul in his arms.

As he gently laid her down upon her bed, Heeseung couldn't help but feel a sense of tenderness mixed with his fury. He brushed a stray strand of hair from her tear-stained face, his touch as gentle as a whisper. "Rest now, Elle. I won't let anyone hurt you anymore. I'm here for you."

With those words lingering in the air, Elle closed her eyes, finding a fleeting moment of solace in Heeseung's presence. In the midst of her shattered dreams, a flicker of hope began to ignite—a glimmer of light to guide her towards a path of healing and redemption. And in that fragile embrace, Elle knew she wasn't alone anymore. She had found a guardian angel in the form of a stranger who would fight for her, no matter the cost.

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