chapter ten: missed calls

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THE MONTHLY PHYSICAL EVALUATION LOOMED OVER THE DANCERS LIKE A DARK CLOUD. Jo insisted on putting them through this grueling ordeal to ensure they remained in peak form, ready to endure the physical demands of being a HYBE dancer. The evaluation consumed nearly the entire day, making it the most dreaded day on their calendar. Thankfully, Jo always granted them a well-deserved day off afterward, a small consolation for the taxing evaluation they had to endure.

The evaluation was an all-encompassing assessment of their physical prowess, an intense scrutiny of their abilities, strengths, and limitations. It aimed to uncover the truth about their overall fitness level, flexibility, strength, balance, coordination, and any potential weak spots that could hinder their performances or predispose them to injuries. It was an exhaustive process that left them feeling vulnerable and exposed.

The evaluation commenced with the postural assessment, a critical examination of their standing posture. Jo, accompanied by other professionals in the field, meticulously observed the dancers, searching for any imperfections, imbalances, or misalignments that could compromise their movements and heighten the risk of injury. Every flaw was scrutinized, and every deviation noted.

Next came the test of range of motion, an exploration of their joints' capabilities. The spine, hips, knees, and ankles were put through rigorous examination, assessing their flexibility and mobility. This painstaking process aimed to uncover any restrictions or hypermobility that could sabotage their technique and overall performance. It was a dance of joints, a delicate ballet of movement.

Then came the dreaded flexibility assessment, the bane of Elle's existence. Apart from her hard-earned achievement of conquering the splits in her late teens, she never considered herself a naturally flexible person. This particular assessment posed a formidable challenge for her. With specific flexibility tests targeting various muscle groups essential for dance, Elle braced herself for disappointment. Yet, to her surprise, she surpassed her own expectations. On the other hand, Maggie, with her serpentine grace, effortlessly contorted her body, showcasing her innate flexibility—a true asset to her artistry.

The strength and muscle endurance test followed, a grueling trial designed to evaluate their ability to generate force, maintain stability, and endure muscular effort over prolonged periods. Hours upon hours of arduous practice sessions had honed their strength, preparing them for the rigorous demands of being HYBE dancers. They had learned the art of pushing themselves to the limits, juggling multiple projects simultaneously without succumbing to fatigue.

Then, their balance and stability were put to the test. It was a brief but critical examination of their ability to maintain equilibrium—both statically and dynamically. Standing on one leg, the dancers had been holding their positions for what felt like an eternity. Sensing the need to break the tension, Maggie decided to inject some levity into the room. Seizing the opportunity as Jo momentarily stepped away, she began playfully shadowing Elle, hopping on one leg and attempting to knock her off balance. Laughter filled the studio as gravity betrayed Maggie, causing her to tumble to the floor. Jo reentered the room, joining in the mirth. "Alright, Maggie, get up," he chuckled, alleviating the tension momentarily.

Amidst the laughter and camaraderie, the dancers found solace—a reminder that even in the most rigorous of evaluations, there was room for lightheartedness.

The first set of evaluations concluded, and the dancers were escorted to a nearby hospital, a place they had grown familiar with over time—a trusted sanctuary where their cardiovascular fitness would undergo scrutiny. The air crackled with anticipation as they prepared for tests that would push their aerobic capacity to the limits. Timed runs and step tests awaited them, their hearts pounding in sync with the rhythm of their feet, all while sporting heart rate monitors that tracked their every beat.

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