| 𝐆𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐭 |

Comincia dall'inizio

"Papa Weegee!" He jumped onto my leg.

"Hey, Junior. Looks like someone's all ready to go." I smile, kneeling down beside him, ruffling his hair.

"Mhm! I've been looking forward to this for the past two weeks! I got my bag for uh... What are those things called when you get something from some place else to remember it by?" He questioned.

"A souvenir." I answered simply.

"Yes, that! Finally I'll get a chance to see some place new! I'm just so excited, y'know!?"

"I know. Your dad will be a bit more busy than I am during our stay. Perhaps I could take the time to show you around the place while we're there?"

"Yeah! That sounds awesome!"

"That's good. You cleaned your room before getting ready, right?"

"Uh...." He stammered, averting his gaze."Maybe? It's not that junked up."

"Junior. What are you gonna do when you get back? You won't have any room for the stuff you bring back."

"I know." He grumbled.

"Go ask a few of the troops to help you straighten up, alright? We'll probably be taking off in a bit and I'd like that room to be spotless."

"Gotcha! Don't take off without me!"

"We won't, I promise."

He leaped towards me, enveloping me in a tight, affectionate embrace once more. He then hugged Bowser briefly.

"Bye dads! I'll have my room spotless!"

The two of us waved, watching him rush out the room. Bowser helped me to my feet, keeping a gentle hold on my hand.

"Uh, Luigi?"

"Hm? What is it Bowser?"

"I'd, uh... I'd like to show you something." He smiled."It's something I've been working on for the past two weeks."

"Well, alright. What is it?"

"Pfft, I'm not going to tell you here. It'll ruin the surprise." He chuckled, now taking hold of my other hand.

The two of us proceeded to leave out Bowser's room, a strong smile adorning his face as we walked down the large halls of the castle. He took me to the throne room, his tail wagging in excitement throughout the entirety of the walk. We then entered the room. As always, my eyes first landed on the large throne with ascending stairs.

My eyes then traced over the many statues of Bowser that occupied the room. Yet amidst this imposing assembly, one statue caught my eye. Instead of portraying Bowser, it had a more human shape, and was wearing a cap with a pair of overalls. It didn't take me long to realize the distinct human features were all strikingly similar to mine.

"Is that.... Me?" I said.

"Yes, it is!"

My fascination led me to look over it further, taking in the details of the statue

"The right eye looks a little lopsided." I teased, observing it close, still very much appreciative of the gesture.

"The troops helped me out a lot with it. They took care of the bottom half. I sculpted the head and face personally. I know it's a tad awkward and I'll admit, my troops certainly would've done better than me with it but, I really wanted to do it myself. It felt more... Organic you could say. Or more from the heart. I sculpted this in your honor."

"You really made this for me?" I spoke in amazement.

"Yes, do you..... Do you like it?" He asked.

"It's.... It's amazing." I smiled, eyeing it."It even has my mustache."

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 24, 2023 ⏰

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